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221 tools in total
Note-taking app
Platform with peer-reviewed educational materials
Platform to share and find materials for language teaching
An open-source research and citation manager
Animated video creator for Android
Digital mind map and concept tool
Game app for learning maths and English
Visual and slide presentation tool for discussion
Screen recorder and video creator
Online video maker and editor
Audio recording and editing tool
AI-powered music creation tool
Help us improve the directory!
A platform to help learners improve their English
AI chatbot that generates human-like responses
Tool to improve spoken English and pronunciation
Digital library with passages for reading comprehension
Bilingual dictionary and translation tool
AI-powered online video creator
Multilingual translator, dictionary, vocabulary trainer.
AI-powered translator
Word cloud creator
Creator of listening comprehension quizzes out of videos
Freeware suite of six apps for creating computer-based tests
Graphic design platform
Course management tool
Learning worksheets creator
Teaching, managing, and communication tool for schools
Creator of visual content such as presentations or infographics