On 10th and 11th December the ECML will present the results of its current programme 2012-15, "Learning through languages" and launch its new programme 2016-19, "Languages at the heart of learning". Moreover, the ECML will celebrate 20 years of successful activity in the field of language education - of anticipating, addressing and adapting to the evolving needs of its 33 Member States and of building and strengthening networks and partnerships at national, European and international level.
If you can’t make it to Graz, don’t despair – our live streaming facility means that you too can tune in to the workshops and plenary sessions on
Thursday morning and
all day Friday where you will get to know about the rich resources from our current programme as well as the new range of
Training and Consultancy, available as of January 2016.
You can also join us on
Thursday afternoon when we move from the ECML premises to the prestigious
Meerscheinschlössl and listen in to the round table discussion on the relevance of the ECML in different educational contexts and in different countries, as well as the keynote speeches where the role of language education in building a better Europe will be addressed.
Please hold these dates in your diary for now and await a further email with detailed timings and content for each live session.
We’re looking forward to having you on board!
The ECML secretariat
Go to the conference website