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    International events calendar

International events calendar

The International events calendar allows you both to search for events and promote your own activities related to languages and language education. You will be able to find/advertise details of conferences, workshops and other language-related activities taking place in Europe and beyond.


Oct 2024

International Conference "MOBILLE 2024 : Mobilizing Language Learners" (2nd edition)
Venue: UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Organising Committee
Call for papers and abstract submission: open until 31 January 2024


Oct 2024

Conference "Responding to the CEFR Alignment Handbook: Sharing experience of alignment activities and reflecting on lessons learned"
Venue: Blaquerna - Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona (Spain)
Organisation: The Handbook steering group and the Research Group in Education, Didactics and Learning (GREDA), Universitat Ramon Llull. Supported by EALTA.
Call for proposals − open until 8 may 2024
Conference website


Oct 2024

Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts 4 (LIEMC 4)
Venue: Nicosia, Cyprus
Organisation: Open University of Cyprus, the University of Cyprus and MultiLingNet
Call for proposals open until 16 June 2024


Oct 2024

CARN 2024 Annual Conference
Venue: Malmö University, Sweden
View details


Nov 2024

Webinar ''Surfing the Wave of Artificial Intelligence to enhance language learning (rather than circumnavigating it!)''
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Organisation: Eaquals (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services)
Registration: Website
View details


Nov 2024

ALTE's 61st Meeting and Conference
Venue: Istanbul, Türkiye
Organisation: Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE)
Registration: Further information about the event's schedule and registration opening will soon be available on the website.


Nov 2024

1st Mercator International Conference on the theme of Shaping Policy for Minority Languages and Multilingualism
Venue: Ljeuwert/Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Organisation: Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning, Fryske Academy
Call for papers open until 15 May 2024
Conference website


Nov 2024

Webinar ''Dynamiser les pratiques de classe à l’oral à l’écrit''
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Organisation: Eaquals (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services)
Registration: Website
View details


Nov 2024

International Symposium: Frontières linguistiques et culturelles
Venue: Saarbrücken, Germany
Organisation: Saarland Language Council, in cooperation with Saarland University of Applied Sciences
Registration: deadline: 25 October  2024


Nov 2024

5th NPLD-Coppieters Campus
Venue: Barcelona, Spain
Organisation: NPLD and Coppieters Foundation


Nov 2024

IRAAL Annual Conference: Diversity and Identity in Applied Linguistics
Venue: Cork, Ireland
Organisation: Irish Association for Applied Linguistics and University College Cork
Conference website


Nov 2024

Liet International 2024, the European minority language song contest
Venue: Bastia, Corsica, France
Organisation: Frisian foundation Liet International
Call for new songs open until 1 July
Conference website


Nov 2024

ACTFL Annual Convention And World Languages Expo 2024
Venue: Philadelphia, United States
Organisation: ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)


Nov 2024

Forum of European Minority Regions
Venue: Donostia/ San Sebastián, Spain
Organisation: FUEN and the Basque language industry cluster Langune


Nov 2024

2024 CEL/ELC Conference "Multilingualism in higher education: current perspectives and emergent issues"
Venue: Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (UBB), Romania
Organisation: Conseil européen pour les langues/European Language Council (CEL/ELC)
Registration deadlines: in person 30th October 2024; remote 15th November 2024
View details


Dec 2024

Webinar ''A Cross-Cultural Communication Mini Project''
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Organisation: Eaquals (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services)
Registration: Website
View details


Dec 2024

CLaSIC2024: Centre for Language Studies International Conference 2024

The Organising Committee of CLaSIC 2024 (The 20th Anniversary Edition) invites proposals for paper and poster presentations related to the theme of Evolving Trends in Foreign Language Education: Past lessons, Present Reflections, Future Directions.
Venue: Singapore
Submission of presentation proposals will be accepted from 1 March to 30 April 2024.
Conference website: https://fass.nus.edu.sg/cls/clasic/clasic-2024/
Contact: clasic@nus.edu.sg

View details


Dec 2024

Webinar ''Developing 21st Skills with Virtual Exchanges''
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Organisation: Eaquals (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services)
Registration: Website
View details


May 2025

CCERBAL 2025 Conference "Bilingualism and multilingualism: Diverse perspectives from diverse contexts"
Venue: Ottawa, Canada
Organisation: Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL)
Call for submissions open until 30 November 2024
Conference website


May 2025

Bilingualism and Multilingualism Conference (BAM 2)
Venue: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Organisation: University of Saskatchewan
Call for proposals open until 30 October 2024


May 2025

Conference on "Multilingualism and minority languages in a global context"
Venue: Davos, Switzerland
Organisation: University of Teacher Education of the Grisons (PHGR) in cooperation with the University of Teacher Education Lucerne (PHLU) under the patronage of the international consortium "Multilingualism as a Chance"
Registration open until 30 April 2025
Call for papers open until 31 August 2024