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    Programme 2004-2007

Programme 2004-2007:
Languages for social cohesion

The programme addressed the subject of social cohesion, one of the major challenges facing our societies at the beginning of the 21st century. The programme looked at how an integrated approach to language learning and teaching based on a new educational role for language teachers could help to develop the communicative potential of individuals living in these societies. The move towards an overall concept of language education, integrating the teaching and learning of all languages in order to make use of potential synergies, represents a major shift of paradigm - promoting true plurilingualism through a positive attitude to the diversity of languages, competences and speakers.


Coping with linguistic and social diversity – provisions, profiles, materials

Valuing all languages in Europe

VALEUR The aim of the Valeur was to raise awareness of the “additional” languages – those which are not national and regional languages – used in Europe, and collate information about the educational provision made for them. A flyer describes the educational, social and cognitive benefits of plurilingualism and a report includes country by country details of the languages in use, together with recommendations on educational policies to deal with the issues arising from linguistic diversity.

  • Authors: Joanna McPake and Teresa Tinsley
  • Languages: English, French, Hungarian  

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Promoting linguistic diversity and whole-school development

Ensemble – whole school language profiles and policies – looks at areas of innovative practice in several European countries, and presents  a number of case studies from several European countries, describing different approaches to involving all the stakeholders in fostering linguistic diversity – including parents and the community, heads of schools – and illustrating the need for “whole” school approaches.

  • Author: Antoinette Camilleri Grima
  • Languages: English and French  

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Literacy and linguistic diversity  in a global perspective: an intercultural exchange with African countries

The book explores questions of language policy in Africa especially in the context of the need to promote African languages as a key in establishing national and regional identity; it also describes initiatives to provide teaching materials, especially stories, in African languages, and compares this with innovations in teaching minority languages in Europe.

  • Author: Brigitta Busch
  • Languages: English and French

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European curriculum guidelines for access programmes into higher education for under-represented adult learners

The booklet is an introduction to a CD-ROM which describes, first, principles for curriculum design for university access courses for students which take into account their need for  linguistic support, and help in adapting both to a new culture and to university life and approach to study. In addition there are examples of good practice from 9 different countries and a set of “recipes” as guidelines for curricula which make provision for linguistic and cultural diversity.

  • Author: Grete Kernegger
  • Languages: English  

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Communication in a multicultural society:
the development of intercultural communicative competence

Intercultural communication training in teacher education

The book with its accompanying CD-ROM provides a theoretical description of intercultural communicative competence; is a guide to organising training workshops for teachers on this subject; provides examples of how literature, films and songs can be used to teach this competence, and addresses the issue of how to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to achieve it.

  • Author: Ildikó Lázár
  • Languages: English and French  

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Plurilingual and pluricultural awareness in language teacher education: A training kit

The book combines an introduction to plurilingual and pluricultural education and discussion of how this has an impact on teaching practice and teacher identity with a series of activities designed to develop teachers’ awareness of cultural and linguistic diversity. These are complemented by a CD-ROM with 25 activities produced by the project group, all centring on aspects of teachers’ approach to the theme.

  • Autho: Mercè Bernaus
  • Languages: English and French

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Intercultural competence for professional mobility

Composed of a book which provides a theoretical background, and a CD-ROM with 18 teaching learning activities to develop intercultural competence among mobile professionals. It is designed for managers and for students and has developed a theoretical model, based on a quantitative study in four countries. It describes psychological and sociological aspects of interculturality and how it is related to democratic citizenship and social responsibility.

  • Author: Evelyne Glaser
  • Languages: English and French

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To get to know each other leads to better mutual understanding

The Gulliver project was based on the use of Internet Forums between schools to promote intercultural understanding. It reports on a project involving a forum for 23 school classes in 22 countries and the booklet, CD-ROM and Website give guidance on how to set up and organise forums, with examples of activities leading to stimulate intercultural learning.

  • Author: Magdalena Bedynska
  • Languages: English 

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Professional development and reference tools for language educators

Coherence of principles, cohesion of competences

The book seeks to prompt critical awareness of theoretical aspects of language teaching; to provide examples of links between theory and practice; to explore how language-based aims can integrate social and educational aims. It describes theories beyond CTL, relating to learner autonomy, intercultural awareness and grammar teaching, and illustrates this with examples from literature teaching.

  • Author: Anne-Brit Fenner
  • Languages: English

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QualiTraining: A training guide for quality assurance

This consists of a book CD-ROM which deal with the principles of quality assurance in language education, how to develop a culture of quality, and leadership; there is guidance on procedures to assure quality – self-assessment, observation, process management, together with a section on the evaluation of quality and benchmarking. 6 case studies give examples of quality management in practice, and the CD-ROM provides further resources for training.

  • Author: Laura Muresan
  • Languages: English and German 

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European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages - A reflection tool for language teacher education

EPOSTL has had a major influence on teacher education and has already been translated into several languages. It contains an overview of the competences needed by teachers and is a tool for self-assessment for student teachers and for practising teachers.  The Portfolio provides checklists relating to the specific competences for planning and teaching lessons, for assessment, methodology and use of resources, as well as a dossier to prompt reflection.

  • Author: David Newby
  • Languages: English, French, German, Hungarian, Spanish, Polish, Lithuanian, Greek and Croatian. 

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Across languages and cultures

Across languages and cultures – a major theoretical framework for plural approaches to learning languages and cultures – language learning in which more than one language (in addition to the learner’s first language) is involved. The Framework explains the conceptual justification for the approach, and includes descriptors of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to implement didactic approaches to it – awakening to languages, inter-comprehension and integrated didactics.

  • Author: Michel Candelier
  • Languages: English, French, German and Hungarian

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Impel - ELP implementation support

Impel - ELP implementation support consists of a leaflet and a data base designed to gather information about different ways of putting European Language Portfolios into practice. On the website there are case studies of both national and school level implementations.

  • Author: Hans Ulrich Bosshard
  • Languages: English

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Preparing teachers to use the European Language Portfolio - arguments, materials and resources

ELP_TT - Training teachers to use the European Language Portfolio – A book with CD, plus a website. There is detailed background information about the European Language Portfolio and underlying pedagogic concepts, claiming that they prompt radical socio-linguistic changes in the approach to teaching and training. There is guidance on how to set up portfolio projects and use ELPs most profitably in the classroom. The CD-ROM has Powerpoint presentations to be used in a common core of teacher training on the ELP.

  • Author: David Little
  • Languages: English and French 

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First steps in teacher training: A practical guide - "The TrainEd Kit"

A guide to training methodology for trainers and beginner teacher trainers. A book covers the skills trainers need – planning courses, presentations, mentoring, observations, facilitation etc – and a CD-ROM contains some 60 worksheets and reflection activities, together with powerpoint presentations that can be used in training activities.

  • Author: Gabriela S. Matei
  • Languages: English and French

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Group facilitation in language teacher education

The folder and CD-ROM are a practical guide on how to get the best out of group discussions, using facilitation; the activities are designed to encourage teacher trainers (and teachers) to reflect on the dynamics of group discussion, with regard to attitudes and emotions as well as to content. The emphasis is on successful management of groups, backed up by videos, stories, key quotations, checklists and on creating optimal conditions for learning.

  • Author: Margit Szesztay
  • Languages: English

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Innovative approaches and new technologies in the teaching and learning of languages

BLOGS - Web journals in language education

The purpose of the BLOGS project was to adapt the idea of web journals to language educational use. The book describes how web journals can contribute to the development of writing skills and gives guidance on how to set up and run a BLOG platform. The ideas in the project were tried out by over 600 users in many countries around Europe and a platform was created and made available on the Internet with a General Public Licence.

  • Author: Mario Camilleri
  • Languages: English

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Developing teachers of modern languages to young learners

The Temolayole Book is the outcome of a conference in Hungary on the teaching of languages to young learners. It consists of 10 articles recounting different aspects of good practice in this field, with an emphasis on teacher education, and the design of curricula and teaching materials.  A range of innovatory projects are described, and topics include action research, the use of stories, methodology and cross border exchanges.

  • Author: Marianne Nikolov
  • Languages: English and Hungarian

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The CLIL Matrix: An Internet Awareness-raising Tool for Teachers

The core of the CLIL project is the website //archive.ecml.at/mtp2/CLILmatrix/EN/ which provides a series of indicators for teachers in a CLIL context to assess their teaching, together with examples of good practice to help them improve. The indicators cover the four aspects of culture, communication, cognition and community, each from the 4 key concepts – content, language, integration and learning. There is also further information about CLIL.

  • Author: David Marsh
  • Languages: English

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Language case studies 

Is a handbook for secondary and university teachers on the use of case studies in language teaching. It provides a rationale for their use in task-based teaching and describes different kinds of activity – project work, webquests, simulations, as well as case studies. The guide illustrates how case studies can be used to promote linguistic and metalinguistic competence. There are examples of case studies for English and French.

  • Author: Johann Fischer
  • Languages: English and French

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LanguageQuests: Learning foreign languages in an attractive, functional and effective way

The result of the project is a website http://www.lquest.net , designed for language teachers interested in developing the concept of language quests on the Internet. The site gives instant access to a collection of LanguageQuests for various target languages and opportunities to join a network of colleagues working with LQuests in schools and in training. There are tools for assessing webquests and resources to help use them in the classroom.

  • Author: Ton Koenraad
  • Languages: English 

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