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Latvia: national representatives to the ECML

Latvia joined the ECML on 25 June 1996

Governing Board of the ECML

Appointed ministerial representatives from each member state. The Governing Board adopts programmes of activities, monitors their implementation and oversees the Centre’s management.

Lettland Lettland - National Contact Point, Governing Board, Nominating Authority

Ms Tatjana Kunda
Ms Tatjana Kunda
State Education Development Agency
2 Valnu Street
LV-1050 Riga

Lettland Lettland - Governing Board - Observer, National Contact Point, Nominating Authority, EDL National Relay

Ms Indra Lapinska
Latviešu valodas aģentūra
Valodas attīstības daļas vadītāja
Meistaru iela 10-401, 4.st.
LV-1050 Rīga
+371 67 20 16 83

National Nominating Authority

Agencies in each member state linked to ministries. They are responsible for selecting participants to the Centre's activities.

Lettland Lettland - National Contact Point, Governing Board, Nominating Authority

Ms Tatjana Kunda
Ms Tatjana Kunda
State Education Development Agency
2 Valnu Street
LV-1050 Riga

Lettland Lettland - Governing Board - Observer, National Contact Point, Nominating Authority, EDL National Relay

Ms Indra Lapinska
Latviešu valodas aģentūra
Valodas attīstības daļas vadītāja
Meistaru iela 10-401, 4.st.
LV-1050 Rīga
+371 67 20 16 83

Contact for the European Day of Languages (EDL)

The function of a national EDL Relay is to act as a multiplier for organisations, schools and associations, circulating: information communicated by the Council of Europe (for example the press release of the Council on the Day, which the Relays are invited to translate into national/local languages, updates on the website); promotional materials - posters, stickers etc. provided by the Council of Europe every year in significant quantities for event organisers.

Lettland Lettland - Governing Board - Observer, National Contact Point, Nominating Authority, EDL National Relay

Ms Indra Lapinska
Latviešu valodas aģentūra
Valodas attīstības daļas vadītāja
Meistaru iela 10-401, 4.st.
LV-1050 Rīga
+371 67 20 16 83

Contact for the European Language Portfolio

Please click here

Contact point for the ECML

National networks in language education.
The National Contact point disseminates information and documentation on the Centre‘s work on a national level.

Lettland Lettland - National Contact Point, Governing Board, Nominating Authority

Ms Tatjana Kunda
Ms Tatjana Kunda
State Education Development Agency
2 Valnu Street
LV-1050 Riga

Lettland Lettland - Governing Board - Observer, National Contact Point, Nominating Authority, EDL National Relay

Ms Indra Lapinska
Latviešu valodas aģentūra
Valodas attīstības daļas vadītāja
Meistaru iela 10-401, 4.st.
LV-1050 Rīga
+371 67 20 16 83


Since 2008 state agency “Academic Programme Agency” is responsible for the work of ECML contact point. State agency „Academic Programme Agency” is a state institution subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia. The Academic Programme Agency was established in 1996 to facilitate the implementation of the EU education programmes as well as other international events in the field of education. The Academic Programme Agency administrates the following programmes and initiatives: Lifelong learning programme of the European Union, Bologna process support, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Eurydice network, Nordplus framework 2008-2011, Norway grants and EEA grants, Foreign government grants, The European Label, Competition “Europe at School” of the European Council, European Centre for Modern languages of the Council of Europe.

Official website of the Academic Programme Agency

National Centre for Education of Latvia - Web section dedidated to the ECML, its projects and participants involved in the Centre's workshops (incl. workshop reports)