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The ECML and the Professional Network Forum

The Professional Network Forum is formed of international associations and institutions that share common values and have overlapping expertise in the field of language education and assessment. Under the auspices of the ECML, the members of the Forum have agreed to share their know-how and have committed themselves to work together on areas of common interest in the service of language education.


Overview - What is the goal of the Professional Network Forum?

The members of the Professional Network Forum on Language Education undertake to work together on various key initiatives, including:

  1. An overview of European and international reference sources on which to base national, regional, and local language education policies, strategies, and practices.
  2. Closer international and regional cooperation in sharing and applying relevant research, and ensuring that relevant research projects are properly designed to address new challenges
  3. New approaches to learning, teaching, and assessment in multilingual and multicultural classrooms, including among recently arrived migrants
  4. Improved mutual recognition of language qualifications, specifically in less widely taught languages and languages for specific purposes
  5. The development of a common approach to the assurance and enhancement of the quality of support for language learning across all sectors, and of schemes for promoting quality and outstanding achievement in language education
  6. Ways of identifying the professional competences needed by language teaching professionals working in different contexts, including more effective use of new technologies in (language) education, innovative pre-service language teacher education, and mobility programmes for teachers.
  7. An open forum for discussion of language education policies and their implementation leading to more integrated approaches to language education at national, regional, and local levels.
  8. A common language to discuss and develop ways of assessing linguistic and plurilingual competences, and a redefinition of the concept of literacy in multilingual communities
  9. Further development and implementation of Council of Europe tools, such as: the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and the European Language Portfolio (ELP); the development of reference standards for competences in the languages of schooling, academic education and language courses for migrants, as well as for the most widely used non-European languages; the wider use of ‘personal language profiles’ (e.g. in language portfolios).
  10. Implementation of relevant Council of Europe recommendations, such as Recommendation (2008)7 on the use of the CEFR and the promotion of plurilingualism.

Information and documents

The Graz Declaration on Language Education 2010:
 summary full text


 Download the flyer

Former initiative “The future of language education in the light of Covid – lessons learned and ways forward"

Organised jointly with the Professional Network Forum and the European Commission

The initiative explores how the ongoing Covid pandemic has affected language education, and at ways in which the skills and insights gained may bring about beneficial lasting changes in the teaching and learning of languages.
More about the initiative

Latest news items

ARPIDE-Projekt: Workshop auf der Eaquals Online-Konferenz vorgestellt

Professional Network Forum (PNF) meets at the ECML

New ECML publication available: Rethinking language education after the experience of Covid – Final report

Meeting report 2024

ECML team meeting in Graz in 2017

The primary aims of the meeting were to:

  • provide a platform for the European Commission and the OECD PISA FLA team to update member institutions on relevant developments, particularly related to PISA FLA 2025
  • share information on member institutions’ activities and upcoming events 
  • present the ECML’s new programme 2024-2027 “Language education at the heart of democracy” and consider its relevance both for the membership of the PNF and for the language education profession at large
  • discuss possible future common actions including the involvement of PNF member institutions in the working group to develop a Motivation Manifesto following the ECML-EC Motivation Think Tank

Download the meeting agenda




Bernd Rüschoff (AILA) 

Meg Malone (ACTFL)

Terry Lamb (FIPLV) 

Arja Krauchenberg (EPA) 

Bessie Dendrinos

Peter Brown (EAQUALS)