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Training and consultancy in cooperation with the European Commission

Supporting multilingual classrooms

This initiative provides training workshops to help member states ensure access to quality education for migrant learners which will help bridge the attainment gap between these learners and non-migrant pupils - highly developed linguistic competences become key transversal competences to support learning, employability and social cohesion.
To the Supporting Multilingual Classrooms website

ICT in language teaching and learning

This activity provides training in the application of pedagogical principles in teaching languages with technology. It promotes the effective use of ICT tools and open resources in support of quality language teaching and learning. The key reference tool is the “ECML inventory of ICT tools and open educational resources”. The activity initiates local and regional clusters of multipliers promoting the use of ICT tools and open educational resources.
To the ICT-REV website

Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference

In recent years the Council of Europe‘s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has become a powerful instrument for shaping language education policies. The growing acceptance and use of the Common Reference Levels of language proficiency presented in the CEFR has created a situation in which, all over Europe, public bodies, examination institutes, language schools and university departments concerned with the teaching and testing of languages seek to relate their curricula and examinations to the Common Reference Levels. The RELANG initiative offers training to educational authorities in the Member States of the European Union and the European Centre for Modern Languages in relating language examinations to the levels of proficiency defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in a valid and equitable way.
To the RELANG website

This initiative is carried out within the framework of a cooperation agreement between the European Centre for Modern Languages and the European Commission, entitled
Innovative Methodologies and Assessment in language learning