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Calendar 2011


November 2011


Participation of ECML staff in an event

3-4 November 2011
Council of Europe internal meeting
Venue: Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France
Organiser: Council of Europe
ECML contribution: participation of Waldemar Martyniuk, Executive Director

Participation of ECML staff in an event

8-9 November 2011
Conference on European language policies in education
Venue: Sulmona, Italy
Organiser: Ministry for Education of Italy
ECML contribution: presentation of the work of the ECML and the Council of Europe in the field of language policies by Waldemar Martyniuk, Executive Director; documentation

Participation of ECML staff in an event

10-11 November 2011
EAQUALS 20th Anniversary Conference "Looking back and looking forward in language education"
Venue: Trieste, Italy
Organiser: EAQUALS
ECML contribution: keynote by Waldemar Martyniuk, Executive Director, "The European Centre for Modern Languages: looking back on the 2007-2011 programme of projects, and forward to the 2012-2015 programmes"; documentation

Participation in an external event

10-12 November 2011
Professional fair Interpädagogica
Venue: Vienna, Austria
ECML contribution: documentation for the stand of the Austrian Language Competence Centre, the National Contact Point for the ECML in Austria
Website of the fair

Expert meeting of the programme consultants of the ECML’s medium-term programme of activities 2012-2015

14-15 November 2011
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Experts: NN

Meeting of coordinators of the ECML’s medium-term programme of activities 2012-2015

16-18 November 2011
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Working languages: English and French, with simultaneous interpretation
Participants: project coordinators and programme consultants of the ECML’s medium-term programme of activities 2012-2015

Participation in an external event

18-19 November 2011
Impulse Conference „Vernetzte SprachenlehrerInnenbildung NEU“
Venue: Salzburg, Austria
Organisers: Universität Salzburg, Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg, Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung
ECML contribution: documentation

Participation in an external meeting

24 November 2011
SPIN-Innovationsmesse: Sprachenlernen in Vielfalt im Rahmen des SPrachenInnovationsNetzwerkes
Venue: Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark, Graz, Austria
Organisers: Österreichisches Sprachen-Kompetenz-Zentrum, Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark, Landesschulrat für Steiermark
ECML contribution: documentation
Provisional programme (German)

Visit of the ECML

25 November 2011
Participants: Muriel Warga-Fallenböck and students from the Karl-Franzens University, Graz (Romanistik)

Participation in an external meeting

26 November 2011
Annual Colloquy of APEPS "Approches plurilingues à l’école enfantine et à l’école primaire: formation et mise en pratique"
Venue: Haute Ecole Pédagogique (HEP), Lausanne, Switzerland
Organisation: APEPS, HEP, Office de coordination des Écoles-club
ECML expert: Christine Le Pape Racine (e-mail), membre de l’équipe de coordination du projet du CELV "CLIL-LOTE-GO – Bonnes pratiques d’enseignement d’une matière par l’enseignement d’une langue étrangère autre que l’anglais / Integriertes Sprach- und Fachlernen in anderen Sprachen als Englisch - Modelle für Fortgeschrittene”
ECML contribution: materials

Participation in an external meeting

29 November 2011
Event orgnised within the framework of the programme “Language Circus" promoting plurilinguism in Finland
Venue: Helsinki, Finland
Organiser: Finnish National Board of Education, contact: Paula Mattila
ECML contacts: Anna Schröder-Sura and Ildikó Lörincz
ECML contribution: documentation, results of the CARAP and MARILLE projects
