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Majority language in multilingual settings

Training kit

Resources for teaching

Additional information in German available on German version of page.

  • Ja-Ling (Janua Linguarum) - The gateway to languages (ECML project)

How can education prepare individuals to face the cultural and linguistic diversity of the society they are living in? A certain number of innovations have been started up in several countries, mainly in primary schools, under different titles (éveil/ouverture aux langues, language awareness, Sprachaufmerksamkeit). The Ja-Ling project offers didactic materials and evaluation tools in English and a number of other languages.

  • Planning for Bilingual Learners: An Inclusive Curriculum. Edited by Maggie Gravelle 2000

http://www.multiverse.ac.uk/attachments/f3949e92-3975-4142-ad44-68355fe44bbf.pdf [visited 26.4.2009]

The introduction to this book is available online and provides a useful introduction for mainstream subject teachers to ways of supporting bilingual learners.

  • The NATEPACK: Multicultural Perspectives in the English Classroom

http://www.nate.org.uk/index.php?page=11&pub=170 [visited 26.4.2009]

Though this is only available for purchase, it is a practical resource pack for English (as ML) teachers containing photocopiable worksheets. NATE is the National Association for Teachers of English, the subject association for all teachers of English.

  • English for Pupils With Diverse Backgrounds. Richard Quarshie.

http://ite2.zygoconsulting.com/ite_topics/diverse_backgrounds/001.html [visited 26.4.2009]

This provides a framework for diversity for teachers of English as ML. 

Including ideas for teaching after the l'éveil aux langues approach to face the plurilingual reality of schools today.

Summary (in French)

Resources page: http://www.lynkreach.co.uk/Resources.html

The booklet provides information and teaching ideas for including a plurilingual approach in schools. There are exercises for specific languages included (which can easily be adapted for other languages).

  • EMA Portal - Online Support for Ethnic Minority Attainment

Information and resources for pupils for whom English is an additional language. You can search the resources by key stage, subject and language (direct link to resource page: http://www.emaonline.org.uk/ema/index.cfm?p=resources,res_search&item=eal)

  • Jonckheere, S., De Doncker, H., De Smedt, H. (2009). Talen op een Kier:
    Talensensibilisering voor het basisonderwijs. Mechelen: Plantyn

    A book about Awakening to Languages from Belgium, in Flemish. You can order it  here.
  • FREPA - Framework of reference für pluralistic approaches (CARAP): Teaching materials

    The database CARAP-FREPA – Online teaching materials offers teaching activities which fall within the scope of pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures. 
    The purpose of this collection of materials, which include input in different languages, is to facilitate access to classroom activities which will help learners master the knowledge, skills and attitudes which the framework lists as « resources » and which can be developed by pluralistic approaches. All the materials proposed refer explicitly to descriptors of resources as they can be found in the framework.

Academic references

Block, D. 2007. Bilingualism: Four assumptions and four responses. In Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1,1: 66-82.
Embedded in ongoing debates about multiculturalism in nation-states such as the UK are frequent references to bilingualism. These references range from negative assessments of the phenomenon to more positive views. In this paper, I present and critique four assumptions that are often made about bilinguals and bilingualism, not only by the lay public but also by academics. I conclude with some thoughts on how my discussion of bilingualism might be relevant to the readers of Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching.

Cummins, J. 1996. Negotiating identities: Education for empowerment in a diverse society.
Ontario: California Association for Bilingual Education.

The book focuses on power relations operating in the broader society and how they influence the interactions that occur between teachers and students in the classroom. These interactions can be empowering or disempowering for both teachers and students. It is argued that culturally diverse students are disempowered educationally. This implies that the students will succeed academically to the extent that the patterns of interaction in school reverse those that prevail in the society at large. A commitment to helping all students succeed academically requires the educators to challenge aspects of the power structure in the wider society.

Cummins, Jim (2004): Language, power and pedagogy - bilingual children in the crossfire.
Clevedon [u.a.]: Multilingual Matters.

Cummins, J. 2006. Identity texts: The imaginative construction of self through multiliteracies pedagogy.
In O. Garcia, T. Skutnabb-Kangas & E. Torres-Guzmán, María (eds.) Imagining multilingual schools. Language in education and globalization. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 51–68.

The article highlights the centrality of the interpersonal space created in the interactions among teachers and learners. Optimal academic development within this interpersonal space occurs only when there is both maximum cognitive engagement and maximum identity investment on the part of learners.

Gravelle, Maggie (ed.) 2000. Planning for bilingual learners:
an inclusive curriculum. Stoke on Trent. Trentham Books

This book seeks to give teachers advice on developing the language ability of multilingual children, especially with regard to English as the majority language of the society. The ideas presented here do not only want to provide insight into the theories of second and foreign language learning, but also to give interested teaching staff teaching ideas that can be used in real life situations directly.

Lehtinen, K. 2006. Maahanmuuttajataustainen oppilas äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden tunneilla. In S. Grünthal & J. Pentikäinen (eds.) Kulmakivi. Luokanopettajan äidinkieli ja kirjallisuus. Otava. 84–103.[An immigrant pupil in the class of mothertongue and literature]
The article deals with the pedagogical issues concerning e.g. how to evaluate language skills, how to teach language via literature and how to support the learner in raising vocabulary.

Leung, C., Harris, R. and Rampton, B. 1997. The idealised native speaker, reified ethnicities and classroom realities.
In TESOL Quarterly, 31, 3 Language and Identity, 543-560.

This offers an account of the complexities of the multilingual classroom, in which traditional assumptions about the notion of the native speaker (of English) and of the homogeneous nature of learners of English as a Second Language are challenged.

Luukka, M-R., Pöyhönen, S., Huhta, A., Taalas, P., Tarnanen, M. & Keränen, A. 2008. Maailma muuttuu - mitä tekee koulu? Äidinkielen ja vieraiden kielten tekstikäytänteet koulussa ja vapaa-ajalla.
[The world changes – how does the school respond? Mother tongue and foreign language literacy practices in school and in free-time.] University of Jyväskylä: Centre for Applied Language Studies.

The project dealt with literacy practices of Finnish and immigrant students and teachers of mother tongue and foreign languages. The aim of the project was to explore and interpret literacy practices both in school and out-of-school contexts. The project aimed also to evaluate to what extent Finnish school is able to meet the challenges of the knowledge society, to explore pedagogies and teaching practices that prepare young people for the literacy challenges of globalized, networked and culturally diverse world and, finally, to develop proposals for interventions in teaching, curriculum planning, assessment and teacher education.
Project website: http://www.jyu.fi/hum/laitokset/solki/en/research/projects/tolp [visited 26.4.2009]

Safford, K. and Costley T. 2008. 'I didn't speak for the first year': Silence, Self-Study and Student Stories of English Language Learning in Mainstream Education
In Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 2,2: 136-151.

The paper draws on interviews with 17- and 18-year-old students learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) in mainstream secondary schools in the UK, where the students describe their experiences as new arrivals and their resources and strategies for accessing and learning English in multiple social and academic contexts. Silence and self-study emerge as key survival strategies for these students, whilst multilingual family and friendship networks play key roles in supporting their day-to-day schoolwork and future ambitions. In these student narratives, school policies and practices do not appear to take account of the multilayered nature of learning English for a wide range of purposes which demand the integration of discrete linguistic skills with culturally situated registers and practices. Although the UK daily grows more, not less, multilingual, interviews over several years with different cohorts of students learning EAL seem to suggest that their experiences and strategies have not changed. The paper reflects on how the mainstream classroom looks and sounds to such students, and how their voices might effectively influence pedagogy and practice in these contexts.


Languages in education, languages for education: A platform of resources and references for plurilingual and intercultural education
After producing reference documents such as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages taught as “foreign” languages, the Council of Europe’s Language Policy Division proposes a new instrument, in the form of this Platform, enabling member states to benefit from the experience and expertise of other member states in formulating their programmes relating to languages of schooling and all language teaching.

Website of the languages of school education project of the Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe
The project „is concerned with the development of effective skills in the language(s) of instruction which are essential for successful learning across the whole curriculum. This project deals with the language(s) of instruction in school which is most often the national or official language(s) and also the mother tongue of the majority of students; in a number of contexts this language is of course their second language where they have a different mother tongue“. MARILLE would like to complement the work done in this project by concentrating on the classroom perspective and the work of teachers in majority language classrooms. 

List of Thematic Studies for the Prague Conference „“Languages of schooling within a European framework for languages of education: learning, teaching, assessment”
Offers access to a number of individual studies dealing with different aspects of the languages of education project under the headings: Languages as a subject within languages of education, Language across the curriculum within languages of education, Evaluation and assessment within language(s) of education,  A European reference document for languages of education.

Website of the ECML project VALEUR (Valuing All Languages in Europe)
The VALEUR project (2004-2007) took as its focus the ‘additional’ languages of Europe. These are defined as all languages in use in contexts where they are not ‘national’, ‘official’, or ‘dominant’ languages. They include ‘migrant’ languages, ‘regional/minority’ languages, sign languages and ‘non-territorial’ languages of diasporas such as Yiddish and Romani. In MARILLE we can use some of VALEURs results but will focus on integrating ‚additional‘ languages in the majority language classroom. 

Website of the ECML project LEA (Language Educator Awareness. Developing plurilingual and pluricultural awareness in language teacher education)
The LEA training kit comprises a set of practical instruments designed to help teacher educators introduce the essential aspects of plurilingualism and pluriculturalism to language teachers and learners. Some of LEAs results will be very valuable to MARILLE although we are not concerned with developing teacher training materials (yet!).

Website of the ECML project Ja-Ling (Janua Linguarum) -The introduction of language awareness into the curriculum
How can education prepare individuals to face the cultural and linguistic diversity of the society they are living in? Learners experience this diversity since school, through language multiplicity which they face and learn, but also, more frequently through the diversity of their origins.It is in this context that a certain number of innovations have been started up in several countries, mainly in primary schools, under different titles (éveil/ouverture aux langues, language awareness, Sprachaufmerksamkeit). The Ja-Ling project offers a wealth of didactic materials and evaluation tools that MARILLE has to look into to determine the applicability in secondary school majority language classrooms.

SOPPI – suomeksi oppimassa – SOPPI – learning in Finnish
The SOPPI-website has been designed for the purposes of teacher education on all educational levels. It is used on both the initial and the in-service teacher training of all school-subjects. Soppi offers viewpoints on what it is like to learn in Finnish, when it is not a learner’s mother tongue, and what teachers should take into account when teaching linguistically and culturally heterogeneous groups.The website consists of three parts: 1) videoclips and tasks on the language skills of immigrant pupils and on supervising sessions in clubs organizing support for homework; 2) a section in which textbooks on various schoolsubjects are explores from 3 points of view: support for strategic reading, language and comprehension and cultural understanding; 3) information on how to adapt instruction for diverse learners.

Kielikoulutuspolitiikan verkosto – Network for language education policies
http://www.jyu.fi/hum/laitokset/solki/tutkimus/projektit/kieliverkosto/en (in Finish, English and Swedish)
The Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of Jyväskylä (Finland), coordinates a new, interdisciplinary network for language education policies starting 2009. The Network provides a new infrastructure, which acknowledges the existing knowledge and expertise in language education; brings together researchers, policy makers, practitioners and participants in language education; strengthens the link between research and political decision making; and takes an active role in public discussion on language education policies.

This is a support site for teacher educators and student teachers which offers a wide range of resources and links relating to the theme of diversity in the classroom. There are pages on EAL and on bilingualism, and these can be cross referenced to specific subjects, such as to English.

A Level English Language website
This website is designed to support teachers and learners with the Advanced level English Language (as ML) examination, and has a useful question and answer section. This examination includes work on linguistic diversity and bilingualism, not only English. It has links to a wide range of resources.

Our Languages
The 'Our Languages' project supports community languages teaching and learning and aims to encourage community cohesion, celebrate pupil achievement and promote plurilingualism. Regional partnerships across England involve schools in the project in a variety of activities. The website provides case studies as well as information on accreditation, community language provision and current research, events and links related to community languages education.

ITE English
This site has been created to assist those involved in training teachers of English. Although specifically aimed at teachers in England, it may well prove useful for tutors in other countries. The website is organised as follows:
- Topics which offers an overview and an approach to each subject a tutor may encounter. These will be updated as material is submitted by our contributors.
- Research featuring results, analysis and a breakdown of recent research projects in the field.
- Discussion Papers
- Professional Support - a selection of resources and advice for tutors.
A searchable index includes English for pupils with diverse backgrounds.

Teachers TV 
This offers a wealth of TV programmes from Teachers TV, a television channel devoted entirely to teachers. It is searchable and includes many 15 minute programmes relating to English (as ML) and issues of diversity.

„EduFLE.net, le site coopératif du FLE"
A website in French about the didactics of French including intercultural education. With teaching resources.

Le projet SAEL
http://www.eurosael.eu/, in French, English, Italian and Dutch
"The aim of the SAEL project is to facilitate the implementation of language policy recommendations aimed at improving the quality of language teaching in Europe." The site offers some good practice examples, too.

La clé des langues
http://cle.ens-lyon.fr/jsp/accueil_cdl.jsp?CODE=70201836&LANGUE=0, in French
This site offers resources and information for different language which are taught in school. Plurilingual approaches have their own section with links to further projects (go directly to Plurilangues)

Websites working with l'éveil aux langues (awakening to languages)
Education et Diversité Linguistique et Culturelle EDiLiC
Awakening to languages is not the teaching of a particular language. It aims to enable schoolchildren to come in contact different languages and to actively discovery the great diversity of languages in the world. The children acquire knowledge and competences regarding languages in general that are useful in every type of learning, included that of the language of the school. As for the classes that are linguistically heterogeneous, awakening to languages is a pedagogical tool that enables the integration of the languages spoken by the schoolchildren (adapted from the EDiLiC-website).

Language and Identity in the National Curriculum: Class Files
The School Of English Literature, Language and Linguistics at the University of Sheffield
These 12 class files contain powerpoints on how to teach the different aspects of language and identity in majority language classrooms. Language in these ideas means different dialects, too. The powerpoints show how the idea was carried out practically, but they don't contain worksheets etc.

Britkid: Getting to know different British school kids online
On this website you meet a group of 9 British school children who come from different language and culture backgrounds. You can find information about their families, their languages, their religion, their food etc. They live in the fictious city called "Britchester".

IAIMTE: International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education
This association aims at encouraging good practice in mother tongue teaching and the networking of mother tongue teachers in different languages and from different cultures. The conference 2010 takes place in Hildesheim and and covers the topic of "Learning and Teaching: Language and Literature".

FREPA - Framework of reference für pluralistic approaches (CARAP): Teaching materials
The database CARAP-FREPA – Online teaching materials offers teaching activities which fall within the scope of pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures. The purpose of this collection of materials, which include input in different languages, is to facilitate access to classroom activities which will help learners master the knowledge, skills and attitudes which the framework lists as « resources » and which can be developed by pluralistic approaches. All the materials proposed refer explicitly to descriptors of resources as they can be found in the framework.



Please note: These definitions relate to this specific resource. The same terms may be defined differently in other contexts.

Items in total: 10

first language(s)

language awareness

language(s) of instruction

language(s) of origin

languages in/ for education


majority language(s)

multilingual (education)

national language(s)/official language(s)

plurilingual education

To the ECML glossaries overview page

Professional networks

(in alphabetical order of countries)


ELTA: English Language Teacher Association
Website in English: http://eltaal.org
Since 2002, the association works for the professional development of English teachers in Albania, including the yearly conference and other teacher training activities. Teachers can be members regardless whether they teach in private or in public schools.


AG Germanistik: Working group of German teachers at academic secondary schools (Gymnasien)
Contact via AG Germanistik in Vienna:
Martina Haunschmidt (martina.haunschmidt@gmail.com) and
Maria-Rita Helten-Pacher (maria-rita.helten-pacher@univie.ac.at).
Interest group of German teachers mainly focused on organising in-service training for secondary school teachers at teacher training colleges.

ÖDaF: Österreichischer Verband für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache
Website in German: www.oedaf.at
Association of teachers of German as a foreign or second language in all areas of education (schools, adult education, private tuition...).


Association of Teachers of Croatian
Website in Croatian: www.dphj.hr
The Association  promotes general and specific aims and interests of  the Croatian language as a majority language of instruction,a language of profession,a school subject and a language of science.Its activities include:
organization and practising scientific and professional meetings, expert-methodological seminars, outreach seminars, study tours, organizing or working on various forms of discussions, lectures, cultural activities, round tables, etc.
maintaining social and multilateral relationships with other professional, scientific, educational, cultural and academic institutions and associations,
publishing  scientific and professional journals and other publications, according to the  law.


Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
Website in Greek: www.pi.ac.cy


Äidinkielen opettajain liitto (ÄOL): The Association of Finnish Mother Tongue Teachers
Website in Finnish: www.aidinkielenopettajainliitto.fi

The Association of Teachers of Finnish as a Second Language
Website in Finnish: http://s2opettajat.yhdistysavain.fi/

Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö OAJ: Finnish Trade Union of Teachers
Website in Finnisch, Swedish and English: www.oaj.fi
The union represents teachers at various school levels and institutes of learning, ranging from day-care center teachers to lecturers in universities and vocational school teachers. We also work together with the Finnish Teacher Student Association SOOL and veteran teachers. In Finland over 95 percent of the teachers are OAJ members.
The OAJ is in charge of the safeguarding of teachers' interests in Finland. It is the only trade union which conducts negotiations on the terms of the teachers' employment contracts. Salaries and working hours are determined in the collective agreement.


CIEP: Centre internationale d'études pédagogiques
Website in French, English, German and other languages: www.ciep.fr
The CIEP has three main missions: educational cooperation in the education and training sector; public service as a provider; and influence, as a laboratory for ideas.The two areas of activity are: education (general, higher and vocational education, qualifications recognition); and languages (French language, languages and mobility, evaluation and certifications).

AIRDF: Association Internationale pour la Recherche en Didactique du Français
Website in French: www.airdf.org
This association works in the field of the research of didactics in French (including plurilinguality) with regard to all the francophone countries. To access the whole site registration is needed.

EDiLiC:Education et Diversité Linguistique et Culturelle
Website in French and English: www.edilic.org
EDiLiC international association was created in 2001 by partners of the Evlang program. It is open to anyone wishing to contribute to the promotion of the awakening to languages. This includes an integrated curriculum, involving other plural approaches of languages and cultures.


DGFF: German society for foreign language research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung)
Website in German, English, French and Spanish: www.dgff.de
"The DGFF wants to bring together researchers who are active in one or more of the following field: (1) teaching and learning of foreign languages; (2) acquisition and use of second languages; (3) multilingualism; (4) intercultural learning."

GAL e.V.: Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik
Website in German: www.gal-ev.de
The GAL is a member of AILA and has at the moment about 1000 members. They conduct research and search for improvements in the field of written and oral communication in diverse field of working and daily activities. Once a year there is the annual conferences, and GAL gives out two regular publications: the journal Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik (ZfAL) and the book series forum Angewandte Linguistik (fAL).

FaDaF: Fachverband für Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Website in German: www.fadaf.de
The FaDaF wants to foster the learning of German and thereby intercultural contacts and understanding. Furthermore it wants to assist the language learning of foreign students. It is an association working for everyone in the field of German as a Foreign Language, including teaching personal and students. In order to inform about didactical and research positions and the policy on higher education, the FaDaF organizes an annual conference and two symposia.

Netzwerk Mehrsprachigkeit e.V. (Network for Multilingualism)
Website in German: www.netzwerk-mehrsprachigkeit.de
The aim of the network is to support people and institutions who work with multilingualism and foreign/second language acquisition (especially with regards to children and their parents). They organize expert conferences, seminars and trainings and try to be present on compatible fairs. The core of their work is the interdisciplinary connection of theory and practice.


Greek Applied Linguistics Association
Website in Greek and English: www.enl.auth.gr/gala/
"GALA promotes scientific research carried out within the framework of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, and facilitates distribution and exchange of information. It also encourages and supports cooperation, at both a national and an international level, in everything related to linguistic research and its applications, with particular regard to education and civilization. "


The Icelandic Teachers' Union
Website in Icelandic, English and Danish: www.ki.is
The Icelandic Teachers' Union was founded on 1 January 2000. It is a joint organization for all teachers, headteachers, deputy headteachers, and student counsellors, in preschools, primary schools, secondary schools, and music schools – with the exception of headtechers in secondary schools. The Icelandic Teachers' Union is a member of EI (Education International), and is an active participant in the NLS (Nordic Teachers' Council, www.n-l-s.org), a cooperative forum for teachers' associations in the Nordic countries.

The Association of Foreign Language Teachers in Iceland (STIL)
Website in Icelandic and English: http://stil-is.weebly.com/
The Association of Foreign Language Teachers in Iceland is an umbrella organization of teachers of Danish, English, French, German, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish in Iceland. With a membership of 600, its role is to provide language teachers with support and assistance in their professional development. STIL cooperates with various educational bodies both in Iceland and abroad.
STIL is a member of UNESCO and the Nordic Baltic Region of FIPLV (The International Federation of Language Teachers Associations)

The Association of Mother Language (Icelandic)Teachers in Iceland (SM)
Website in Icelandic: www.ki.is/sm
The Association of Mother Language Teachers in Iceland is an organization of teachers of all school levels. Its role is to provide language teachers with support and assistance in their professional development.  SM cooperates with various educational bodies both in Iceland and abroad.

Ísbrú (Icebridge)
Website in Icelandic: www.isbru.is
Icebridge is the Association of Language Teachers teaching Icelandic as a second language in Iceland. It is an organization of teachers of all school levels. Its role is to provide the teachers with support and assistance in their professional development.  Icebridge cooperates with various educational bodies.


ELSTA: English Language Support Teacher's Association
Website in English: http://elstaireland.co.cc
Contact person: Mary Ryan (maryyran@elsta.ie)
The (quite young) association shall give teachers the opportunity to prepare for the growing challenges in the teaching of English as a second or other language. Some information is only accessible after registration.


Language Teachers' Association of Lithuania: Lietuvos kalbų pedagogų asociacija ( LKPA)
Website in Lithuanien, English and Russian: www.lkpa.uki.vu.lt
The Association of Language Teachers of Lithuania was founded in December 2006 to build bridges between the existing associations of teachers of English, Lithuanian and some other languages as well as between professionals who work for universities, schools and language centres. The association operates on territorial , interest group and association (already operating language teachers' associations) basis.
At present, there are 7 institutional and over one hundred individual members . They are teachers of the most popular languages taught in Lithuania: English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Lithuanian and some others.
The association became a member of FIPLV in 2008 and is currently member of the REAL 2 consortium.


MUT: Malta Union of Teachers
Website in English: www.mut.org.mt
The MUT was founded in 1919 and is nowadays the teacher's trade union. They have an office in Valetta and publish the magazine "The Teacher".


National Education Insitute
Website in Slovenian, English, Hungarian and Italian: www.zrss.si
"We creatively link achievements in the sciences, arts, economics and humanities with experiences from teaching practices as well as prepare solutions for improving the quality of education and training."

SIAE: The Slovenian Institute for Adult Education
Website in Slovenian and English: www.siae.si
"In cooperation with and in support to networks comprising of about 300 adult education public and private institutions as well as NGOs, SIAE has been working on the development of non-formal education and learning, adult literacy programmes and access to education and learning for marginalised target groups, adult education information and guidance, quality in adult education, training and professional development of adult educators, promotion of lifelong learning (Lifelong Learning Week) and many other areas."

PEI/ERI: The Educational Research Institute
Website in Slovenian and English: www.pei.si
"The Educational Research Institute (ERI) is the central research institution in Slovenia for research in education undertaking basic research, development and applied projects on issues of current interest in all sectors of education and related areas."

United Kingdom

The Association for Language Awareness
Website in English: www.languageawareness.org
The Association for Language Awareness aims at supporting and promoting activities across the whole breadth of Language Awareness. These are conducted in different fields of Language Awareness (e.g. mother tongue learning, foreign language learning, teacher education, language use in professional settings), at a variety of levels (e.g. primary, secondary and tertiary education, professional training and practice), and with objectives in a range of domains (e.g. effects on language performance, on attitudes to language etc).
The ALA pursues this goal in a variety of ways: for example, by collecting and disseminating information on Language Awareness initiatives, by promoting research into Language Awareness, by supporting initiatives undertaken by organisations with overlapping interests (e.g AILA), and by arranging conferences and meetings for practitioners and theorists in all spheres of teaching and learning, as well as for others with interests in Language Awareness.

National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum (NALDIC)
Website in English: www.naldic.org.uk
The National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum (NALDIC) is the UK professional body for all those interested in raising the achievement of bilingual pupils with English as an Additional Language. NALDIC was inaugurated in 1993 and since its formation has acted as the voice of the profession. It provides a professional forum for:
- Teaching and learning of English as an Additional Language
- Supporting bilingualism
- Raising the achievement of ethnic minority learners
- The development and understanding of this field of education
The website contains comprehensive information, including case studies, about the range of research projects and resources which have NALDIC involvement. They have long lobbied for improved status for teachers of EAL and also for mainstream support of first languages in order to support plurilingualism. They also promote themed activities such as the use of ICT to promote plurilingualism.

National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE)
Website in English: www.nate.org.uk
Professional subject association for those working with English in education in any capacity. Promotes innovation in classrooms and teacher's professional development through research, publications and conferences.


AILA: Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée / International Association of Applied Linguistics.
Website in English: www.aila.info
"AILA is the international federation of national or regional associations of Applied Linguistics. Through its member associations, AILA currently has a membership of more than 8.000 individuals worldwide who as researchers, policy makers or practitioners are active in the field of Applied Linguistics.
Applied Linguistics is an interdisciplinary field of research and practice dealing with practical problems of language and communication that can be identified, analysed or solved by applying available theories, methods and results of Linguistics or by developing new theoretical and methodological frameworks in Linguistics to work on these problems. Applied Linguistics differs from Linguistics in general mainly with respect to its explicit orientation towards practical, everyday problems related to language and communication."

EUROSLA: European Second Language Association
Website in English: http://eurosla.org
EUROSLA is a society for people with a research interest in Second Language Acquisition.They run an annual conference for our members, and a number of specialised seminar meetings. Some of this work is published in our annual publication. The society welcomes new members whatever their nationality, geographical location or theoretical and methodological preferences. The conferences take place in Europe, but the EUROSLA network extends throughout the world.

EDiLiC:Education et Diversité Linguistique et Culturelle
Website in French and English: www.edilic.org
EDiLiC international association was created in 2001 by partners of the Evlang program. It is open to anyone wishing to contribute to the promotion of the awakening to languages. This includes an integrated curriculum, involving other plural approaches of languages and cultures.

Last update: 2010-08-09