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    Dagmar Gilly

Dagmar Gilly - Associate partner

  Surname: Gilly
First name: Dagmar
Address for correspondence: E-mail
Nationality: Austrian

Affiliation with educational networks/associations

Sprachennetzwerk Graz (Language Network Graz): Representative of the University of teacher Education Styria. http://www.sprachennetzwerkgraz.at/

ÖDaF - Autrian Association for German as a Foreign/Second Language (Österr. Fachverband für Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Zweitsprache: co-opted board member

ÖSKO - Austrian Language Committee (Österr. Sprachenkommittee): Representative of the University of Teacher Education Styria
Didactics Styria (Fachdidaktik Steiermark): Deputy head of  the Regional Center of Didactics german and Interculturality. http://www.fachdidaktik-steiermark.at/
VerKuS - Association for Culture and Language (Verein für Kultur und Sprache): Head
Network Intercultural Learning and Mothertongue Teachers Styria (Netzwerk Interkulturelle Bildung und Muttersprachenlehrende Steiermark): Coordinator
Member of ÖSGD - Austrian Association for Language Didactics (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Sprachendidaktik; http://www.oegsd.at


Occupation or position
currently held:
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Fachdidaktik und spezifische pädagogische Berufsfelder
Name of employer: Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Country of employment: Austria


Studies: German and Italian  (Master)
Teaching experience: German as L1, L2,L3 and as a "forein" language in other School Systems, Italian as L2 oder L3  
Teacher training experience: for German, Intercultural Learning (trainer, organizer, materials development)
Trainings: Systemic Consultation in Educational Institutions (2008-2010), Transcend - Conflict management for work in International teams (2005-2007)
Experience in international projects (as participant in workshops, team member, project manager, project coordinator, trainer)


Muttersprache German
Weitere Sprachen Italian, English, French

Expertise in the topic of the proposed project

Practice in the field 

My work in very diverse fields enabled me to gain different perspectives concerning didactic / methododological questions of teaching German (German as L1, German as a second language / foreign language) and of teaching foreign languages ( Italian as L2 or L3) and to develop teaching and learning materials for these areas of teaching.One main focus has always been to see language learning as learning about a new culture and  how to integrate the following keyaspects in the process of learning: enhancing plurilingualism, the interest in learning further languages, intercultural competences.
Other relevant experience

Key competence through long term erxperience as trainer, teacher and organizer of international in-service training for trainers and adult learners: planning, organization and evaluation of seminars, project management and conflict management , methodology and didactics (languages), working with radio as a diverse lerning space, dissemination of  final results, support in building up networks, social learning and intercultural learning, development of curricula and new teaching/learning materials.



GILLY, Dagmar / REISINGER, Klaus / STANGL, Andrea / LYON, Dirk (2002), Wien spielerisch durchschauen. Materialien zur österreichischen Landeskunde für den Unterricht aus Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Jugend & Volk, Wien 2002.
Dagmar Gilly, Hannes Schweiger, Klaus Reisinger: Das neue Österreich-Quiz.(=Materialien zur österreichischen Landeskunde für den Unterricht aus Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Band 1. Hrsg. bm:ukk (2. aktualisierte und überarbeitete Ausgabe Dezember 2009) 
(see: http://www.kulturundsprache.at/index.php?id=51) 
Dagmar Gilly, Anna Grigoriadis, Martina Huber-Kriegler et.al.( 2008) gemeinsam mit mehr Sprachen leben. Modul "Mehrsprachigkeit in der Praxis", Internationales Jahr der Sprachen; ed. by the Austrian UNESCO Commission and bm:ukk (Austrian Ministry of Education).Graz



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