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Language teacher competences
Sign languages
Plurilingual and intercultural education
New Media in Language Education
Migrant education and employment
Evaluation and Assessment
Early language learning
Content and Language Integrated Learning
Languages of schooling
Programme 2024-2027
AI for language education
Deeper learning in the foreign language classroom: pluriliteracies for global citizenship
Developing competences for democratic culture for young learners through language education
Unlocking educational opportunities in sign languages in Europe
CLIL-Lehrmaterialien für die Entwicklung von Schlüsselkompetenzen des 21. Jahrhunderts
Fostering the plurilingual wellbeing of language teachers
Integrated didactics: a toolkit for an empowering approach to languages
EFSZ-Ressourcen für die demokratische Kultur
Programm 2016-2019
Programme 2012-2015
Programme 2008-2011
Programme 2004-2007
Programme 2000-2003
Training & consultancy for member states
Practices and criteria to assess home/heritage languages’ competences of pupils (incl.migrants)
CLIL in anderen Sprachen als Englisch
CEFR Companion Volume implementation toolkit
Developing teacher competences for pluralistic approaches
Digital citizenship through language education
Enhancing language education in border-crossing professional and vocational education
Language learning pathways of young children: Making early language learning visible
Mediation in teaching, testing and assessment
Bausteine für die Planung sprachsensibler Lehrpersonenbildung
The future of language education
Think tank: Transversale Kompetenzen
Training & Consultancy
Plurilingual and intercultural education: teacher and learner competences
The CEFR Companion Volume: Mediation and other key concepts
Action research communities for language teachers
Learning environments where languages flourish
Steps towards implementing plurilingual and intercultural education
Supporting multilingual classrooms
Language for work – Work-related second language learning for adult migrants and ethnic minorities
Fostering digital citizenship through language education
ICT in language teaching and learning
The CEFR Companion Volume: Mediation and other key concepts 2
Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference*
Learning environments where languages flourish 2
Plurilingual and intercultural education in early language learning
Beyond CLIL – Pluriliteracies teaching for deeper learning
A roadmap for schools to support the language(s) of schooling
ECML-EC Cooperation
Think tank: Fostering motivation in language education
Summer academy
ECML-EC Colloquium December 2022
Glossar des EFSZ
ICT Umbrella Test
The John Trim Collection
Articles and publications on the ECML
Language associations
Supporting the linguistic integration of refugees from the Ukraine
Council of Europe recommendation
Programme 2012-2015
Using ECML resources in different contexts
Guidelines and practical examples
How do projects relate to existing priorities and developments?
How can a project be used on a stand-alone basis or be integrated into other activities?
Which aspects of an activity or project might be used? Which might need to be adapted first?
How might implementation take place? How might it be carried out in stages?
What is the potential impact of a project?
How might this be assessed/ evaluated?
What possible challenges might we face?
How might we address them?
How can project outcomes be mediated and/or communicated with others?
How might implementation take place? How might is be carried out in stages?
On local, regional, national bases
Implementation is often initiated collaboratively.
focuses on implementation of the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) in teacher education in different European contexts. A
strategy folder
is available summarising a collaborative approach to implementation.
you will find a collaborative approach to implementing
Content based teaching plurilingual/cultural awareness
) in Belgium.
In the first
, David Newby presents products of EPOSTL2 (
Piloting and implementing the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages
), which provide 12 case studies from different contexts as well as strategies for implementation. These can be found on the
Projects can be piloted by one institution as a first step towards implementation. A short report on a pilot study of
Content based teaching plurilingual/cultural awareness
at Charles University, Prague, can be found
Some projects lend themselves to staged implementation, or to selection of parts of the resources for use, e.g.
European Language Portfolio
) is divided into sections which can be used holistically or through prioritisation to meet specific needs, e.g. ELP introductory
showing use of ELP in a school in Graz.
In the LACS2 networking meeting, the following suggestion was made for a staged implementation of
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - level estimation grid for teachers
Setting up of working group of language teacher educators.
ITE and/or CPD sessions to introduce the tools.
Collaborative development of sample language lessons by teachers.
Classroom implementation with online forum support.
Review and assessment with participating teachers and/or student teachers.
Compilation of an online database of CEFR benchmarked sample lessons and supporting material.
See the
project flyer
, which can be used to publicise the project to teachers and others.
In the LACS2 networking meeting, the following suggestion was made for a staged implementation of
Developing Online Teaching Skills
) in the Baltic area:
Stage 1: introducing DOTS, analysing it
Stage 2: looking for examples in the country
Stage 3: adapt the materials to teachers´ needs to practice in the classroom
Stage 4: sharing the experiences among students.
See the
project flyer
, which can be used to publicise the project to teachers and others.
conferences or TeachMeets
linking to
Developing Online Teaching Skills
resources from popular teacher meeting points.
Examples of how
European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages
has been implemented in a range of contexts can be found in the publication which can be downloaded
case study
of implementation of
European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages
in Romania can be found in this powerpoint presentation.
In this link you will see an
interview with David Little
which addresses some of the challenges in embedding use of the
European Language Portfolio
in schools.
In Canada,
European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages
has been implemented through a range of stages:
Stage 1: Self-assessment of basic proficiencies (L/R/SP/SI/W) using CEFR levels.
Stage 2: Self-assessment according to some of 193 teaching-specific descriptors.
Stage 3: Ongoing monitoring of Action Plan (incl. goal-setting/recording) progress.
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