Actualités & événements
Calendrier du CELV
Calendrier international
Ajouter un événement
La Gazette européenne des langues
Mettre le plurilinguisme en pratique
Structure of the ECML
Autorités de nomination nationales
Comité de direction
Points de contact nationaux
Etats membres
Forum pour le réseau professionnel
Send request
Stages au CELV
Presse et informations
Competences des enseignants et des apprenants
Langues des signes
Education plurilingue et pluriculturelle
Nouveaux médias dans l'éducation aux langues
Éducation et insertion professionnelle des migrants
Curricula et évaluation
Apprentissage des langues dès le plus jeune âge
Enseignement d’une matière intégré à une langue étrangère
Langues de scolarisation
Programme 2024-2027
L'IA pour l’éducation aux langues
Plurilittératies pour une citoyenneté globale
Jeunes apprenant·es et culture démocratique
Ouvrir des opportunités éducatives pour les langues des signes en Europe
Matériels didactiques EMILE pour développer les compétences clés du XXIe siècle
Favoriser le bien-être plurilingue des enseignant·es de langues
Une boîte à outils pour la mise en œuvre de la didactique intégrée dans l’éducation aux langues
Utiliser les ressources du CELV pour soutenir l'éducation plurilingue et interculturelle pour une culture de la démocratie
Programme 2016-2019
Programme 2012-2015
Programme 2008-2011
Programme 2004-2007
Programme 2000-2003
Programme 2020-2023
Compétences en langues familiales
EMILE dans des langues autres que l’anglais
Boîte à outils pour la mise en œuvre du Volume complémentaire du CECR
Compétences enseignantes pour les approches plurielles
Citoyenneté numérique par la formation en langues
Formation professionnelle transfrontalière
Parcours linguistiques des jeunes enfants
Médiation dans l’enseignement, l’apprentissage et l’évaluation des langues
Blocs modulaires pour une formation enseignante sensible à la dimension linguistique
Initiative : L’avenir de l’éducation aux langues
Groupe de réflexion : Compétences transversales
Formation et conseil
Éducation plurilingue et interculturelle
Le Volume complémentaire du CECR : la médiation et d’autres concepts fondamentaux
Les communautés de recherche-action pour les enseignant·es de langues
Des environnements d’apprentissage optimisés pour et par les langues
La mise en œuvre de l’éducation plurilingue et interculturelle
Valoriser les classes multilingues
Favoriser l’apprentissage de la langue 2 au travail pour les migrant·es adultes et les minorités ethniques
Promouvoir la citoyenneté numérique par l’éducation langagière
Les TIC dans l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des langues
Le Volume complémentaire du CECR : la médiation et d’autres concepts fondamentaux 2
Relier les curricula, les tests et les examens de langues au CECR
Des environnements d’apprentissage optimisés pour et par les langues 2
Les langues dès le plus jeune âge pour contribuer à l’éducation plurilingue et interculturelle
Au-delà de l’EMILE – L’enseignement plurilittératie pour un apprentissage plus approfondi
Promouvoir la/les langue(s) de scolarisation: La FEUILLE DE ROUTE
Coopération CE
Groupe de réflexion « Renforcer la motivation dans l’éducation aux langues
Formation et conseil
Université d’été
Colloques et autres initiatives
Ressources du CELV
Glossaire du CELV
Webinaires du CELV
Experts en langues du CELV
Inventaire d’outils TIC
La collection John Trim
Articles publiés sur le CELV
Language associations
Supporting the linguistic integration of refugees from the Ukraine
Council of Europe recommendation
Programme 2012-2015
Using ECML resources in different contexts
Guidelines and practical examples
How do projects relate to existing priorities and developments?
How can a project be used on a stand-alone basis or be integrated into other activities?
Which aspects of an activity or project might be used? Which might need to be adapted first?
How might implementation take place? How might it be carried out in stages?
What is the potential impact of a project?
How might this be assessed/ evaluated?
What possible challenges might we face?
How might we address them?
How can project outcomes be mediated and/or communicated with others?
How can project outcomes be mediated and/or communicated with others?
On local, national and international bases
It is important to find the right person to mediate a project. In this short
, we hear how adaptation was challenged by the fact that the Swedish participant in the Parents project worked with a different sector from the focus of the project.
European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages
) has
national EPOSTL coordinators
in a number of countries, who can mediate the project with other teachers in those countries.
Some projects contain ideas on
, e.g.
Developing Online Teaching Skills
Most projects have a number of
power point presentations
available for downloading on their website, e.g. the
Encouraging the culture of evaluation among professionals
) project.
In some cases the presentations are available as
See also the
on a number of areas relating to the
Classroom Assessment related to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
) project.
Language associations and collaborative support
) projects promote collaboration between language teacher associations and other organisations in order to support one another. Language teacher associations are in a strong position to communicate with members, disseminating and mediating the projects so they can be used in classrooms.
Here are a number of examples from LKPA (the national Modern Language Teacher Association) in Lithuania:
from ECML and
And also from EVOL in Estonia, showing how they have collaborated with their neighbour association in Lithuania:
4 December 2010 Conference "
Language Teacher and Teaching in the Whirl of Changes
” with Eglė Šleinotienė’s Plenary “Prospects and Perspectives for Language Teachers as Members of Language Teachers’ Association”
Egle also conducted a workshop, “
The Challenge of Being a Member of a Language Teachers’ Association
A bulletin can be used to provide information about ECML/LACS project/FIPLV/NBR Bulletin on the
Association website
(Archive 2010)
In 2011 an
EVOL conference
was held focused on ECML projects. The plenary speaker was Sauli Takala, ECML consultant
EVOL’s 5th Anniversary Conference
was held 15 November 2014 and the programme contained information about its involvement in LACS, FIPLV, and NBR activities. An
about the conference (including information about the ECML, LACS, FIPLV, NBR activities) was produced, as well as articles in the Estonian Teachers Networks Newsletter.
LACS Handbook
offers many ideas for language teacher associations offering training and development activities to teachers. Collaboration is key to the
Language associations and collaborative support
project, and it is developing an ongoing
Directory of Language Organisations
, which will help individuals, institutions or organisations to find partners for a range of activities, from conferences to research projects.
Projects can be mediated in different countries by use of a range of languages to capture the interest of potential users, e.g.
clips of relevance of
Developing Online Teaching Skills
in 17 different countries.
International mediation
Some projects lend themselves to being used to support international collaboration e.g. creating and marketing an EFL Online application, as part of various Masters programmes on Applied Linguistics, Computer Science and International Business in Greece, Lithuania and Iceland (
Case study 1, E-VOLLution
, pp. 117-124).
National mediation
The Greek project related to the
The European Language Portfolio in whole-school use
) was conceived and managed by a government agency, and its purpose was to introduce the ELP to foreign language teachers and learners at primary level throughout the country. It was organised in two phases. In the first, a thousand teachers of French and German attended in-service courses on using the ELP, and in the second the ELP was piloted in classrooms. The project was evaluated using three instruments: questionnaires completed by teachers; semi-structured interviews with school principals; and observations carried out by pedagogical advisers for foreign languages. The project was warmly welcomed and fully achieved its objectives: to familiarise teachers with classroom use of the ELP, to motivate learners to be more autonomous in their learning, and to acknowledge the value of plurilingual and pluricultural learning and experience. See
case study
from Greece.
Language teacher associations have many strategies for communicating and mediating ECML projects. See the
presentation on BETA
, Bulgaria.
In many countries, dissemination is led by the National Contact Point. In this presentation, we can learn about the role of the
Österreichisches Sprachen-Kompetenz-Zentrum
in Austria.
describes why the ‘Pluriliteracies Teaching for Learning’ approach is relevant for Italy and how her language teacher association, LEND, can help raise awareness of it.
Qualitraining project
was rolled out nationally in Finland by the Finnish National Board for Education, as a carefully designed project: see here for a detailed powerpoint presentation describing how this worked.
Local or regional mediation
This case study describes the way in which the
European Language Portfolio
) was introduced at a local level. In Romania the introduction of the ELP has been associated with curricular reform, and the Romanian project was undertaken with the official support of the Ministry of Education as a means of introducing the ELP at local level. The project coordinator noted that at the end of the school year 2009–2010, all foreign language teachers in the project school believed that the ELP was an essential tool for language learning. Following a presentation she gave for the teachers of French in a network of bilingual schools, the Ministry of Education recommended that the ELP should be used in all schools in the network, and in time it will probably be possible to promote the use of the ELP beyond the network. The Romanian project interpreted learner autonomy as learner independence, introducing a great variety of activities to help learners to complete their ELP on their own. The project also sought to develop cooperation among teachers. It used francophone assistants to establish cultural contacts, and the school participated in several European projects and exchanges. Learners responded positively to the Language Biography but preferred working with the Dossier. See Romanian ELP-WSU
case study
describes how a teacher educator in Austria (Tyrol) plans to disseminate the ‘Pluriliteracies Teaching for Learning’ approach.