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“Inspiring innovation in language education” - through a wealth of new resources

The European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) of the Council of Europe is dedicating this special issue of its European Language Gazette to the launch of the resources resulting from its programme “Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences”. From 2020-2023, nine projects addressed the themes of: formative assessment in early language learning and for newly arrived migrant children, languages in support of digital citizenship and other transversal skills, the CEFR Companion Volume and linguistic mediation, CLIL in languages other than English, neighbouring languages in cross-border vocational training, teacher competences for pluralistic approaches. These issues were identified by member states as priority areas when initially establishing the programme.
We encourage you to use these innovative resources, to adapt them to your respective contexts, and to share them within your networks, colleagues and institutions who may benefit from them.
A number of the resources are also featured within the Centre’s current training and consultancy activities – where member states can request national workshops on themes of ECML expertise – with the workshops customized according to the specific context.
Table of contents
“Inspiring innovation in language education” – through a wealth of new resources
Launch of new resources
E-Lang Citizen – Digital citizenship through language education
TePA – Developing teacher competences for pluralistic approaches – Tools for teacher education
METLA – Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment
Building blocks for planning language-sensitive teacher education
RECOLANG – Resources for assessing the home language competences of migrant pupils
Enhancing language education in cross-border vocational education
CLIL in languages other than English – Successful transitions across educational stages
PALINGUI – Young children’s language learning pathways – Making early language learning visible
VITbox – CEFR Companion Volume implementation toolbox
Quick links
Enjoy this issue: English – French
Final conference of the 6th medium-term programme 2020-2023 (13-14 December 2023, Graz, Austria & online)
“Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences” – Join the livestream!

The conference represents the culmination of the four years of work of the ECML’s “Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences” programme, involving, among others, 9projects, 1think tank, 12offers of training and consultancy (TaC) and a series of initiatives developed with the support of the European Commission.
The conference is aimed at all language education professionals and in particular at ECML stakeholders, policy makers and persons with a professional focus on the practice of language education (curriculum development, teacher education, material design…).
The programme involves plenary presentations, speeches, a round table, a series of smaller workshops for the presentation and discussion of programme outputs and outcomes as well as envisaged links to activities in the 2024-2027 programme.
The workshops on the second day of the conference will be organised thematically:
- Language teacher and learner competences,
- Transversal dimension of language education / Competences for life and work,
- Plurilingual and intercultural education,
- Languages of schooling; language in subjects.
Within each given theme there will be a focus on the completed project resources and related TaC activities from the current programme. Presenters will focus on the inspiring and innovative aspects of their TaC activity/new resources and will consider how the different approaches and materials presented in their thematic session complement one other.
This will also be an excellent opportunity to get a preview of the new ECML programme “Language education at the heart of democracy” (2024-2027).
In order to ensure access to a wider audience, the event will be streamed in both working languages (English and French) and the recordings made available on the ECML website.
Conference web page: English – French
Conference programme: English – French
Join the live streaming here – no registration required: English – French
ECML project “CEFR Companion Volume Implementation Toolbox” – Expert meeting (Graz, 29-30 September 2022): VITbox Project at the finishing line!
On 29 and 30 September 2022, the VITbox team met at the ECML in Graz to discuss the final steps that need to be taken to successfully complete the project. The aims of the meeting were to discuss the development and revision of the VITbox resources, to implement the suggestions received from participants who attended the ECML workshop and webinar, and to discuss future dissemination activities (i.e. conference presentations, webinars, workshops and publications in journals and conference proceedings). The team looked back at a series of successful events where it received useful feedback on the draft resources developed with the support from participants at the ECML workshop in 2021 and the network meeting in April 2022, at conference presentations, during workshops and webinars. Participants have shown a lot of interest in the resources and contributed with valuable comments and suggestions. The team will now work on the final project webpage and make the resources available to a larger audience for dissemination and feedback purposes, while continuing to develop, pilot and finalise the remaining VITbox files. Watch this space!
Johann Fischer, ECML project coordinator
VITbox Project on the agenda of the FIPLV World Congress of Modern Languages in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the Polish Association of Modern Languages
On 28 June 2022 the VITbox project was presented to participants of the “FIPLV World Congress of Modern Languages in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the Polish Association of Modern Languages – ‘Language education in the times of global change: The need for collaboration and new perspectives’”. The conference was organised by the International Federation of Language Teacher Associations (FIPLV), the Polish Association of Modern Languages and the Faculty of Modern Languages at the University of Warsaw in Poland.
During the conference, the VITbox project team gave a half-hour presentation on “CEFR Companion Volume implementation toolbox – a repository of online tools for language teachers and teacher educators”, in which they presented the aims and objectives of the CEFR Companion Volume Implementation Toolbox (VITbox) project and showed examples of the professional development training materials.
The presentation was met with great interest. The audience asked questions about the project and expressed interest in using the products as well as cooperating with the team in the future.
Furthermore, the Congress was an opportunity to meet language educators from across the globe and to discuss a wide variety of issues involved in the teaching and learning of modern languages. It was also an important forum for disseminating the latest research findings in these areas. The team participated in a number of presentations which focused on the following topics:
- teaching language skills and subsystems;
- new technologies in L2 learning and teaching;
- multilingual education;
- developing intercultural competence;
- learner autonomy and language learning strategies;
- content and language integrated learning;
- classroom interaction and management;
- teachers’ knowledge and beliefs;
- teacher education;
- syllabus design;
- the CEFR;
- assessing L2 knowledge;
- methodology of research on L2 learning and teaching.
Barbara Sawicka and Johann Fischer
- ECML project website “CEFR Companion Volume implementation toolbox” (VITBox): English – French
ECML VITbox project “CEFR Companion Volume Implementation Toolbox”: expert meeting (18-19 November 2021)
On 18 and 19 November 2021, the VITbox team met at the ECML in Graz to reflect on the outcomes of the ECML workshop in September with 34 participants from all over Europe. The aims of the meeting were to discuss the development and revision of the VITbox resources, to work on dissemination activities and to plan a network meeting to take place in April 2022.
The team has been looking back at a series of successful events and has received useful feedback on the resources developed by participants at the ECML workshop, conference presentations, workshops and webinars. Participants have shown great interest in the resources and contributed with valuable comments and suggestions. The team will now work on the further development of the project webpage and make the resources available to a larger audience for dissemination and feedback purposes, while continuing to develop, pilot and finalise the remaining VITbox modules.
Watch this space!
The VITbox project (2020-2023) is developing tools in various languages to help teacher educators use and disseminate the ideas of the CEFR Companion Volume. It will provide digital documents and examples of inspiring practice in the implementation of the Companion Volume in language learning, teaching and assessment at university and in vocational training.
ECML VITbox project “CEFR Companion Volume Implementation Toolbox”: workshop during ACLES Conference (17 September 2021, Murcia, Spain)
On 17 September 2021, the VITbox team ran a workshop on “The VITbox menu, a truly linguistic experience!” during the biennal conference of the Asociación de Centros de Lenguas en la Enseñanza Superior (ACLES) in Murcia (Spain). Participants were introduced to the VITbox resources and were invited to comment on the usefulness of the materials as well as reflect upon how they could adapt and apply them in their individual contexts.
The ECML VITbox project (2020-2023) is developing tools in various languages to help teacher educators use and disseminate the ideas of the CEFR Companion Volume. It will provide digital documents and examples of inspiring practice in the implementation of the Companion Volume in language learning, teaching and assessment at university and in vocational training.
ECML VITbox Project “CEFR Companion Volume Implementation Toolbox”: workshop at the ECML, 14 & 15 September 2021
On 14 and 15 September 2021, 32 participants from 27 countries in Europe attended an online workshop organised by the ECML in which the VITbox project team presented their professional development modules on how to implement the ideas of the CEFR Companion Volume in teaching, learning and assessing languages in higher education and vocational training. The participants had the opportunity to work with the resources developed and provided valuable feedback to the members of the team, as well as suggesting additional elements that could be included. They exchanged ideas on how to adapt and integrate the VITbox resources into their own professional development activities and their teaching context. The VITbox team is eager to see how the participants will use the resources in their countries and contexts and how these activities may contribute to language education in university and vocational training.
The VITbox project (2020-2023) is developing tools in various languages to help teacher educators use and disseminate the ideas of the CEFR Companion Volume. It will provide digital documents and examples of inspiring practice in the implementation of the Companion Volume in language learning, teaching and assessment at university and in vocational training.
ECML VITbox project “CEFR Companion Volume Implementation Toolbox”: expert meeting (5-6 July 2021)
On 5-6 July 2021, the VITbox team met to prepare the central event of their project, the workshop taking place in September. The objectives of this workshop are to introduce the participants to the VITbox materials, to gather feedback and to invite them to pilot and implement the materials in their own contexts. Hopefully, this will be the first face-to-face workshop the ECML has hosted since the end of the lockdown. The VITbox workshop will be organised in a hybrid format, and the project team is looking forward to meeting a fair number of representatives from the 33 ECML member states in Graz in person and to a fruitful exchange of ideas with all participants – those present in Graz and those taking part online.
The VITbox project (2020-2023) is developing tools in various languages to help teacher educators use and disseminate the ideas of the CEFR Companion Volume. It will provide digital documents and examples of inspiring practice in the implementation of the Companion Volume in language learning, teaching and assessment at university and in vocational training.
"CEFR Companion Volume implementation toolbox": A short update on the VITbox project
The VITbox project team has been developing online modules to help language teacher educators and teachers become familiar with the content of the CEFR Companion Volume. These modules will be available for use in initial teacher training, in professional development activities and for self-study purposes. They can also be adapted by the users according to their individual needs and contexts.
Our French-German-Polish-Spanish project team has already developed prototypes of two modules for the course. The modules were first presented last month at two events: 1st AKS Online Conference “Quo vadis language instruction: On the threshold of new forms of teaching” organised by Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren an Hochschulen e.V. on 4 March 2021, and during a webinar run by Grupo de Interés en Evaluación de Lenguas en España (GIELE), a national organisation promoting research and initiatives on language assessment in Spain, on 12 March 2021.
The VITbox project team (Johann Fischer from Universität Göttingen, Laurent Rouveyrol from Université Nice Côte d'Azur, Barbara Sawicka from Politechnika Poznańska and Julia Zabala Delgado from Universitat Politècnica de València) presented the aims and objectives of the VITbox project and examples of training activities and materials taken from the project modules. The presenters provided a first insight into these modules and explained how the material can be used, for example in professional development workshops.
The presentation “The VITbox Project – an online toolbox for teacher educators to implement the ideas of the CEFR Companion Volume 2020” delivered at the AKS conference highlighted examples of training materials and activities which discuss the issues of online communication, whereas the webinar “Proyecto VITbox” at the GIELE meeting was illustrated with selected materials related to language mediation. Both were followed by discussions of the concepts presented and the content of the project modules. This provided project team members with valuable and constructive feedback.
For more information visit the websites:
- 1st AKS online conference "Quo vadis language lnstruction: On the threshold of new forms of teaching": a conference presentation of the VITbox project
- Online GIELE webinar: "Cómo familiarizar a los profesionales de las lenguas con el contenido del Volumen Complementario al MCER: proyecto VITbox – un programa de desarrollo profesional online"
More coming soon…
Second Expert Meeting of VITbox Project: Training materials on the CEFR Companion Volume are under development
The VITbox team met on September 7th and 8th to discuss the draft VITbox material within the ECML project “CEFR Companion Volume implementation toolbox”. These materials are designed to help teacher educators and teacher trainers in initial teacher training and in professional development programmes as well as language teachers to implement the ideas of the CEFR Companion Volume. At the end of the project, you will have access to a mouth-watering Companion Volume Moodle course offering the following items on the menu:
- VITbox appetizers (short videos on individual modules)
- VITbox main course list (offering more extensive videos on each module)
- VITbox full experience with a cherry on top (providing further reading material)
- VITbox dessert list (with recorded webinars)
- VITbox wine list (with bibliographical references)
and special treats such as:
- VITbox dégustation (sample tasks for teaching and assessment)
- VITbox shopping list (offering checklists for training contexts)
- VITbox recipes (training activities)
Bon appétit! Enjoy your meal!
Johann Fischer, Laurent Rouveyrol, Barbara Sawicka, Julia Zabala Delgado
- VITbox project website: English - French
- ECML programme of activities 2020-2023 "Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences": English - French
First expert meeting of VITbox Project (26-27 March 2020)
The ECML project “CEFR Companion Volume Implementation Toolbox” – or “the VITbox Project” for short – has now started its activities. The project aims to provide digital resources that exemplify how to implement the ideas of the new CEFR Companion Volume in language teaching at university and in vocational training. These resources will include short videos, checklists, texts and classroom tasks and for use by teacher educators and teacher trainers in their training sessions and by language teachers for self-study purposes. The material will be produced in English and French but will include examples from other languages. The idea behind the VITbox project is to create an open toolbox from which educators, trainers and teachers can freely choose the resources they consider suitable for their purposes, adapt them to their individual training needs and eventually create their own material.
The team is now looking forward to setting up a substantial database of varied materials, that has been piloted in their own training sessions and freely available to the public.
Johann Fischer, Laurent Rouveyrol, Barbara Sawicka, Julia Zabala Delgado
- VITbox project website: English - French
- ECML programme of activities 2020-2023 "Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences": English - French