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CEFR Companion Volume implementation toolbox

The project will develop tools in various languages to help teacher educators use and disseminate the ideas of the CEFR Companion Volume. It will provide digital documents and examples of inspiring practice in the implementation of the Companion Volume in language learning, teaching and assessment at university and in vocational training.

Related resources

Working languages of the project: English, French
Project term: 2020-2022
Shortcut: www.ecml.at/companionvolumetoolbox      


Main idea and objectives

The CEFR Companion Volume (CV) stresses the underlying action-oriented and task-based approach of the CEFR and emphasises the idea of the learner as a social agent. This requires a deeper understanding of the role of the social dimension in language. Experience from workshops across Europe has shown that teachers need guidance and tools to integrate notions like mediation into their work. Furthermore, intercultural activities, plurilinguistic tasks and the integration of transferable skills in our teaching need to be re-considered. Likewise, and based on the idea of constructive alignment, a paradigm shift is also needed in assessment practices.

The project will contribute to the implementation of an action-oriented and task-based approach in teaching, learning and assessment and thus make teaching and assessment more relevant to the learner. It will help to stress the importance of mediation tasks, but also of plurilinguistic tasks and intercultural activities and the integration of transferable skills in teaching and assessment. Tasks, activities and scenarios will become more meaningful to the learner – both in teaching and assessment (according to the principles of constructive alignment).

Target groups

This project addresses first of all teacher educators and curriculum designers concerned with language teaching and assessment in university and vocational language training.

Envisaged project outputs

The toolkit developed by the team will facilitate the activities of teacher educators who wish to implement the ideas of the CEFR Companion Volume in teaching, learning and assessment practices by using material from this database in their professional development activities and in initial teacher training of student teachers.

It will consist of training material structured as an online course in English and French, i.e. PPT documents, worksheets, checklists and webinars – downloadable from project website, offering training material and examples of good practice in various languages

  • to be used as training material in teacher education and professional development by teacher trainers and teacher educators;
  • to be used by decision makers and curriculum designers in curriculum design;
  • to be used by language teachers and test developers for self-study purposes.

Language teachers / examiners will be able to use the training material for self-study purposes. 

Furthermore, a database of sample teaching and assessment tasks in various languages, i.e. examples of good practice for different modes of communication and different skills areas, will also be made available in a digital format both for teacher education / professional development and for use in teaching and assessment

  • to be used as examples of good practice by language teachers and examiners, student teachers and test developers in their course planning;
  • to be used as sample tasks in teacher education and professional development by teacher educators.

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