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    Teaching guide

Médiation dans l’enseignement, l'apprentissage et l’évaluation des langues

Ce projet a pour but d'élaborer un guide pour les professionnels de l'enseignement des langues du primaire et du secondaire qui veulent inclure la médiation inter-linguistique dans leur pratique pédagogique. Ce guide contiendra des informations sur la théorie et sur la pratique de la médiation dans l'enseignement, l’apprentissage et l’évaluation ainsi que des exemples de tâches de médiation en différentes langues, s’appuyant sur le Volume complémentaire du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECR) (disponible en anglais). Une banque de données, qui comprendra des tâches adaptées à divers environnements éducatifs, sera également créée.

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Teaching guide - coming soon

What is cross-linguistic mediation?

Cross-linguistic mediation concerns a language user who plays the role of intermediary between interlocutors who do not share the same language. In this project it is seen as the purposeful selection of information by the mediator from a source text in one language and relaying this information into another language (target text) with the intention of bridging linguistic and cultural gaps. The mediator needs to be competent in moving across languages and use the appropriate mediation strategies. 

Why cross-linguistic mediation?

Mediation, as part of a person’s plurilingual competence, is an aspect in teacher education which is often given insufficient attention. Mediation was included as a notion when the CEFR was first published in 2001. However, it was not complemented with can-do statements as was the case with other skills – reading and listening, writing and speaking. For this reason, in 2018, the CEFR Companion Volume with new mediation descriptors becomes useful by proposing new descriptors related to the parallel use of languages and language users’ ability to act as interlingual mediators. The incorporation of mediation activities in the classroom is thus an important step. 

Who is the guide for? 

This guide is mainly for foreign language teachers. Adopting multilingual approaches to language teaching and assessment, this guide suggests techniques and activities for teachers which facilitate the use of different resources that pupils may bring in the classroom. FL teachers will gain awareness as to how to design materials aiming at developing and assessing learners’ mediation strategies, and will be able to:

  • distinguish between mediation and translation, will be able to distinguish between cross-linguistic and intralinguistic mediation 
  • be able to explain what a mediation activity/task is and what the language users of different levels are expected to do 
  • distinguish between different types of mediation tasks
  • identify linguistic and mediatory requirements of a mediation task 
  • prepare different types of written or oral mediation tasks
  • select appropriate texts to be used in mediation tasks on the basis of certain criteria for each proficiency level  
  • create and use assessment criteria effectively to assess written mediation production