Développer des compétences enseignantes pour les approches plurielles Outils pour la formation des enseignant·e·s
Ce site web propose des séquences pour la formation initiale et continue des enseignant·e·s qui s’appuient sur une vue d’ensemble détaillée des compétences facilitant la mise en œuvre des approches plurielles dans la classe. Ces séquences visent le développement de compétences enseignantes spécifiques permettant aux enseignant·e·s de langues et d’autres disciplines de favoriser le développement par les apprenant·e·s des compétences plurilingues et pluriculturelles telles que décrites dans le « Cadre de référence pour les approches plurielles des langues et des cultures (CARAP) ».
USER TARGET AUDIENCE: Early childhood teacherEarly childhood learnersPrimary education subject teacherPrimary education language teacherPrimary education learnerLower secondary subject teacherLower secondary language teacherLower secondary learnerUpper secondary subject teacherUppersecondary language teacherUpper secondary learnerHead teacher/school manager
VALUES: Valuing democracyValuing human dignity and human rightsValuing cultural diversity
ATTITUDES: Openess to cultural othernessRespectSelf-efficacyTolerance of ambiguity
SKILLS: Autonomous learning skillsAnalytical and critical thinking skillsSkills of listening and observingEmpathyFlexibility and adaptabilityLinguistic, communicative and plurilingual skillsCo-operation skillsConflict-resolution skills
Knowledge and critical understanding: Knowledge and critical understanding of self
PRINCIPLES: i. is essential to education for democratic culture;ii. respects and values linguistic and cultural diversityiii. promotes language awareness and language sensitivity across the curriculum;iv. encourages critical reflection on cultural diversity;vi. encourages learner autonomy and values the learner’s voice;vii. supports the inclusion of disadvantaged and marginalised learners on an equal footing with other learners
Measures: policy and practice: i. review existing policies with a view to strengthening plurilingual and intercultural education and supporting linguistic and cultural diversity;v. reflect on traditional linguistic hierarchies and seek to diversify the range of languages offered;vi. promote the teaching of languages in interaction with one another;vii. encourage and facilitate communication and collaboration between teachers of different languages and different curriculum subjects;ix. explore ways of including home languages – signed as well as spoken – that are not part of the official curriculum in the educational process and, where appropriate, provide formal recognition and certification of those languagesxii. support the creation of teaching and learning resources designed to help the development of plurilingual repertoires and intercultural awareness and competencesxiii. encourage pedagogical approaches that empower learners by developing their autonomy and their critical thinking skills, make space for the learner’s voice, create a democratic classroom and school culture and prepare learners for lifelong learning;xiv. encourage pedagogical approaches that develop learners’ language and cultural awareness and equip them to engage in intercultural dialoguexviii. facilitate the professional development of teachers and other educational staff in relation to plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture
Measures: Initial and further education teachers: i. assigning a central role in their own curriculums to the concepts and principles on which such education rests, including the language dimension of all curriculum subjects;ii. challenging attitudes, beliefs and preconceptions about language, language learning, plurilingualism, culture and intercultural learning;iii. developing student teachers’ and teachers’ own plurilingual and intercultural competences as an essential dimension of their pedagogical competencesiv. engaging teachers in a detailed exploration of what plurilingual and intercultural approaches to education entail in terms of classroom practice;v. helping teachers to develop the pedagogical competences needed to manage linguistic and cultural diversity for the benefit of all pupils and students;vi. helping teachers to develop the pedagogical competences needed to support a democratic classroom culture that fosters autonomous learning and critical thinking and makes space for the inclusion of the learner’s voice;
KEY TERMS: Approches plurielles
Éducation plurilingue
Éducation interculturelle
Séquences de tâches pour la formation des enseignant·e·s
Compétences didactiques et pédagogiques
Programmes de formation des enseignants
Développement professionnel et formation continue
Resource: https://www.ecml.at/ECML-Programme/Programme2020-2023/Pluralisticteachercompetences/tabid/4300/language/en-GB/Default.aspx
OVerview of the Roadmap
The ROADMAP focuses specifically on the language(s) of schooling. It is intended for (pre-)primary and secondary schools wishing to support all their students to access the curriculum and develop their potential in all subjects. Language(s) of schooling is/are the language(s) used for teaching the various school subjects and for the functioning of the schools. Insufficient proficiency in the language(s) of schooling may make it difficult for students, irrespective of linguistic or socioeconomic background, to access knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary for everybody working in the school to be aware of the importance of the language(s) of schooling and to take into account the language dimension in all subjects in order to find ways to support students´ learning.
USER TARGET AUDIENCE: Lower secondary subject teacherLower secondary language teacherUpper secondary subject teacherUppersecondary language teacherHead teacher/school manager
VALUES: Valuing cultural diversity
ATTITUDES: Openess to cultural otherness
SKILLS: Analytical and critical thinking skillsEmpathy
Knowledge and critical understanding: Knowledege and critical understanding of language and communication
PRINCIPLES: iii. promotes language awareness and language sensitivity across the curriculum;iv. encourages critical reflection on cultural diversity;
Measures: policy and practice: ii. ensure that the language dimension of all subjects is made explicit in curriculum guidelines and curriculums;xii. support the creation of teaching and learning resources designed to help the development of plurilingual repertoires and intercultural awareness and competences
Measures: Initial and further education teachers: ii. challenging attitudes, beliefs and preconceptions about language, language learning, plurilingualism, culture and intercultural learning;iv. engaging teachers in a detailed exploration of what plurilingual and intercultural approaches to education entail in terms of classroom practice;v. helping teachers to develop the pedagogical competences needed to manage linguistic and cultural diversity for the benefit of all pupils and students;ix. developing teachers’ competence in action research so that they can contribute to the evidence-based development of educational policy and practice.
Resource: https://www.ecml.at/Portals/1/5MTP/roadmap/Coordinator's%20package/EN/01-Overview-of-the-ROADMAP-EN.pdf
Valoriser les classes multilingues
Cette initiative propose des ateliers de formation pour aider les Etats membres à assurer l’accès à une éducation de qualité pour les apprenants migrants et contribue à combler l’écart de scolarisation entre ces apprenants et les élèves non-migrants. Des compétences linguistiques fortes constituent un atout clé pour faciliter l’apprentissage, l’employabilité et la cohésion sociale.
USER TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary education subject teacherPrimary education language teacherLower secondary subject teacherLower secondary language teacherUpper secondary subject teacherUppersecondary language teacherHead teacher/school manager
VALUES: Valuing democracyValuing human dignity and human rightsValuing cultural diversity
ATTITUDES: Openess to cultural othernessRespectCivic-MindednessTolerance of ambiguity
SKILLS: Linguistic, communicative and plurilingual skillsCo-operation skills
Knowledge and critical understanding: Knowledege and critical understanding of language and communicationKnowledge and critical understanding of the world
PRINCIPLES: i. is essential to education for democratic culture;ii. respects and values linguistic and cultural diversityiii. promotes language awareness and language sensitivity across the curriculum;
Measures: policy and practice: vi. promote the teaching of languages in interaction with one another;vii. encourage and facilitate communication and collaboration between teachers of different languages and different curriculum subjects;xii. support the creation of teaching and learning resources designed to help the development of plurilingual repertoires and intercultural awareness and competencesxiv. encourage pedagogical approaches that develop learners’ language and cultural awareness and equip them to engage in intercultural dialoguexv. encourage the adoption of inclusive whole-school/institutionwide approaches to linguistic and intercultural policy and practice;xvi. support the creation and use of assessment instruments that are fully aligned with the goals of plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture;xviii. facilitate the professional development of teachers and other educational staff in relation to plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture
Measures: Initial and further education teachers: ii. challenging attitudes, beliefs and preconceptions about language, language learning, plurilingualism, culture and intercultural learning;iii. developing student teachers’ and teachers’ own plurilingual and intercultural competences as an essential dimension of their pedagogical competencesiv. engaging teachers in a detailed exploration of what plurilingual and intercultural approaches to education entail in terms of classroom practice;vii. helping teachers to develop assessment competences that take account of plurilingual and intercultural learning;
KEY TERMS: langue/s de scholarisation, langue/s familiales, apprenants issus de l'immigration, approche holistique
Resource: https://multilingualclassrooms.ecml.at/Home/tabid/5518/language/en-GB/Default.aspx
Énoncés pour les enseignants
La/les langue(s) de scolarisation :
une feuille de route pour les établissements scolaires
USER TARGET AUDIENCE: Lower secondary subject teacherLower secondary language teacherUpper secondary subject teacherUppersecondary language teacher
VALUES: Valuing cultural diversity
ATTITUDES: Openess to cultural othernessRespect
SKILLS: Analytical and critical thinking skillsSkills of listening and observingEmpathyLinguistic, communicative and plurilingual skills
Knowledge and critical understanding: Knowledege and critical understanding of language and communication
PRINCIPLES: ii. respects and values linguistic and cultural diversityiii. promotes language awareness and language sensitivity across the curriculum;
Measures: policy and practice: i. review existing policies with a view to strengthening plurilingual and intercultural education and supporting linguistic and cultural diversity;vi. promote the teaching of languages in interaction with one another;x. ensure the quality of language learning and acknowledge the contribution made by non-formal education and informal learning;xii. support the creation of teaching and learning resources designed to help the development of plurilingual repertoires and intercultural awareness and competencesxiv. encourage pedagogical approaches that develop learners’ language and cultural awareness and equip them to engage in intercultural dialogue
Measures: Initial and further education teachers: ii. challenging attitudes, beliefs and preconceptions about language, language learning, plurilingualism, culture and intercultural learning;iv. engaging teachers in a detailed exploration of what plurilingual and intercultural approaches to education entail in terms of classroom practice;v. helping teachers to develop the pedagogical competences needed to manage linguistic and cultural diversity for the benefit of all pupils and students;vii. helping teachers to develop assessment competences that take account of plurilingual and intercultural learning;
Resource: https://roadmap.ecml.at/Home/Statements/Statementsforteachers/tabid/5875/language/en-GB/Default.aspx
Énoncés pour les élèves
La/les langue(s) de scolarisation :
une feuille de route pour les établissements scolaires
USER TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary education learnerLower secondary learnerUpper secondary learner
VALUES: Valuing cultural diversity
ATTITUDES: Openess to cultural othernessRespectTolerance of ambiguity
SKILLS: Analytical and critical thinking skillsSkills of listening and observingFlexibility and adaptabilityLinguistic, communicative and plurilingual skills
Knowledge and critical understanding: Knowledge and critical understanding of selfKnowledege and critical understanding of language and communication
PRINCIPLES: ii. respects and values linguistic and cultural diversityiv. encourages critical reflection on cultural diversity;vi. encourages learner autonomy and values the learner’s voice;vii. supports the inclusion of disadvantaged and marginalised learners on an equal footing with other learners
Measures: policy and practice:
Measures: Initial and further education teachers:
Resource: https://roadmap.ecml.at/Home/Statements/Statementsforstudents/tabid/5876/language/en-GB/Default.aspx
La/les langue(s) de scolarisation : une feuille de route pour les établissements scolaires Aperçu de la FEUILLE DE ROUTE
La FEUILLE DE ROUTE met spécifiquement l’accent sur la ou les langues de scolarisation. Elle est destinée aux écoles (pré-)primaires et secondaires qui désirent permettre à tous leurs élèves de suivre le programme d’études et de développer leur potentiel dans toutes les matières. La/les langue(s) de scolarisation est/sont la/les langue(s) utilisée(s) pour l’enseignement des différentes matières et pour le fonctionnement des établissements scolaires. Une maîtrise insuffisante de la (des) langue(s) de scolarisation peut rendre difficile l’accès au savoir pour les élèves, quel que soit leur milieu linguistique ou socio-économique. Il est donc nécessaire que tous ceux qui travaillent dans un établissement scolaire soient conscients de l’importance de la ou des langues de scolarisation et prennent en compte la dimension linguistique dans toutes les matières afin de trouver des moyens de contribuer à l’apprentissage des élèves.
USER TARGET AUDIENCE: Lower secondary subject teacherLower secondary language teacherUpper secondary subject teacherUppersecondary language teacherHead teacher/school manager
VALUES: Valuing cultural diversity
ATTITUDES: Openess to cultural otherness
Knowledge and critical understanding: Knowledege and critical understanding of language and communication
PRINCIPLES: iii. promotes language awareness and language sensitivity across the curriculum;vii. supports the inclusion of disadvantaged and marginalised learners on an equal footing with other learners
Measures: policy and practice: ii. ensure that the language dimension of all subjects is made explicit in curriculum guidelines and curriculums;vii. encourage and facilitate communication and collaboration between teachers of different languages and different curriculum subjects;xii. support the creation of teaching and learning resources designed to help the development of plurilingual repertoires and intercultural awareness and competences
Measures: Initial and further education teachers: ii. challenging attitudes, beliefs and preconceptions about language, language learning, plurilingualism, culture and intercultural learning;iv. engaging teachers in a detailed exploration of what plurilingual and intercultural approaches to education entail in terms of classroom practice;v. helping teachers to develop the pedagogical competences needed to manage linguistic and cultural diversity for the benefit of all pupils and students;ix. developing teachers’ competence in action research so that they can contribute to the evidence-based development of educational policy and practice.
Resource: https://roadmap.ecml.at/Coordinators/tabid/5852/language/en-GB/Default.aspx
La/les langue(s) de scolarisation : une feuille de route pour les établissements scolaires Aperçu de la FEUILLE DE ROUTE
The ROADMAP focuses specifically on the language(s) of schooling. It is intended for (pre-)primary and secondary schools wishing to support all their students to access the curriculum and develop their potential in all subjects. Language(s) of schooling is/are the language(s) used for teaching the various school subjects and for the functioning of the schools. Insufficient proficiency in the language(s) of schooling may make it difficult for students, irrespective of linguistic or socioeconomic background, to access knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary for everybody working in the school to be aware of the importance of the language(s) of schooling and to take into account the language dimension in all subjects in order to find ways to support students´ learning.
USER TARGET AUDIENCE: Lower secondary subject teacherLower secondary language teacherUpper secondary subject teacherUppersecondary language teacherHead teacher/school manager
VALUES: Valuing cultural diversity
ATTITUDES: Openess to cultural otherness
Knowledge and critical understanding: Knowledege and critical understanding of language and communication
PRINCIPLES: ii. respects and values linguistic and cultural diversity
Measures: policy and practice: ii. ensure that the language dimension of all subjects is made explicit in curriculum guidelines and curriculums;vii. encourage and facilitate communication and collaboration between teachers of different languages and different curriculum subjects;xiv. encourage pedagogical approaches that develop learners’ language and cultural awareness and equip them to engage in intercultural dialoguexviii. facilitate the professional development of teachers and other educational staff in relation to plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culturexix. engage parents, guardians and those responsible for non-formal educational initiatives in activities that promote, celebrate and highlight the value of plurilingualism and intercultural dialogue
Measures: Initial and further education teachers: ii. challenging attitudes, beliefs and preconceptions about language, language learning, plurilingualism, culture and intercultural learning;v. helping teachers to develop the pedagogical competences needed to manage linguistic and cultural diversity for the benefit of all pupils and students;ix. developing teachers’ competence in action research so that they can contribute to the evidence-based development of educational policy and practice.
Resource: https://roadmap.ecml.at/Portals/1/5MTP/roadmap/Coordinator's%20package/EN/01-Overview-of-the-ROADMAP-EN.pdf
ATTITUDES: Resposibility
Knowledge and critical understanding:
Measures: policy and practice:
Measures: Initial and further education teachers:
La/les langue(s) de scolarisation : une feuille de route pour les établissements scolaires Énoncés pour le personnel de direction
La FEUILLE DE ROUTE permet aux établissements scolaires de mettre en place une stratégie globale sur mesure pour aider les élèves à développer leurs compétences dans la (les) langue(s) de scolarisation. Les outils numériques proposés aident les établissements scolaires à développer les compétences linguistiques et la pensée critique dont TOUS les élèves ont besoin dans TOUTES les matières pour apprendre et réussir à l'école.
USER TARGET AUDIENCE: Head teacher/school manager
VALUES: Valuing cultural diversity
ATTITUDES: Openess to cultural othernessRespectTolerance of ambiguity
SKILLS: Analytical and critical thinking skillsSkills of listening and observingFlexibility and adaptabilityLinguistic, communicative and plurilingual skills
Knowledge and critical understanding: Knowledge and critical understanding of selfKnowledege and critical understanding of language and communication
PRINCIPLES: ii. respects and values linguistic and cultural diversityiv. encourages critical reflection on cultural diversity;vi. encourages learner autonomy and values the learner’s voice;vii. supports the inclusion of disadvantaged and marginalised learners on an equal footing with other learners
Measures: policy and practice: i. review existing policies with a view to strengthening plurilingual and intercultural education and supporting linguistic and cultural diversity;
Measures: Initial and further education teachers: ii. challenging attitudes, beliefs and preconceptions about language, language learning, plurilingualism, culture and intercultural learning;
Resource: https://roadmap.ecml.at/Home/Statements/Statementsforheadteachers/tabid/5847/language/en-GB/Default.aspx
La/les langue(s) de scolarisation : une feuille de route pour les établissements scolaires: Informations pour les coordinateurs
La FEUILLE DE ROUTE permet aux établissements scolaires de mettre en place une stratégie globale sur mesure pour aider les élèves à développer leurs compétences dans la (les) langue(s) de scolarisation. Les outils numériques proposés aident les établissements scolaires à développer les compétences linguistiques et la pensée critique dont TOUS les élèves ont besoin dans TOUTES les matières pour apprendre et réussir à l'école.
USER TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary education subject teacherPrimary education language teacherLower secondary subject teacherLower secondary language teacherLower secondary learnerUpper secondary subject teacherUppersecondary language teacherHead teacher/school manager
VALUES: Valuing cultural diversity
ATTITUDES: Openess to cultural othernessResposibility
SKILLS: Analytical and critical thinking skillsEmpathyLinguistic, communicative and plurilingual skillsCo-operation skills
Knowledge and critical understanding: Knowledege and critical understanding of language and communication
PRINCIPLES: ii. respects and values linguistic and cultural diversityiv. encourages critical reflection on cultural diversity;
Measures: policy and practice: i. review existing policies with a view to strengthening plurilingual and intercultural education and supporting linguistic and cultural diversity;ii. ensure that the language dimension of all subjects is made explicit in curriculum guidelines and curriculums;vii. encourage and facilitate communication and collaboration between teachers of different languages and different curriculum subjects;
Measures: Initial and further education teachers: ii. challenging attitudes, beliefs and preconceptions about language, language learning, plurilingualism, culture and intercultural learning;iv. engaging teachers in a detailed exploration of what plurilingual and intercultural approaches to education entail in terms of classroom practice;
Resource: https://roadmap.ecml.at/Coordinators/tabid/5852/language/en-GB/Default.aspx
Des environnements d’apprentissage optimisés pour et par les langues vivantes: Environnements d’apprentissage des LV
Cet outil propose des questions élémentaires pour explorer l’approche des environnements d’apprentissage qui se fonde sur la conjonction de trois facteurs : la culture (contenus d’enseignement, projets, actions, événements, habitudes, représentations, etc.), la structure (cadre, dispositifs, équipements, etc.) et les acteurs (rôles, fonctions, parcours, engagements, etc.). La combinaison des trois facteurs permet de développer des environnements d’apprentissage optimisés pour et par les langues.
USER TARGET AUDIENCE: Early childhood teacherPrimary education subject teacherPrimary education language teacherLower secondary subject teacherLower secondary language teacherUpper secondary subject teacherUppersecondary language teacherHead teacher/school manager
VALUES: Valuing cultural diversity
ATTITUDES: Openess to cultural othernessRespect
SKILLS: EmpathyFlexibility and adaptabilityCo-operation skills
Knowledge and critical understanding:
PRINCIPLES: i. is essential to education for democratic culture;ii. respects and values linguistic and cultural diversityiii. promotes language awareness and language sensitivity across the curriculum;vii. supports the inclusion of disadvantaged and marginalised learners on an equal footing with other learners
Measures: policy and practice: i. review existing policies with a view to strengthening plurilingual and intercultural education and supporting linguistic and cultural diversity;ix. explore ways of including home languages – signed as well as spoken – that are not part of the official curriculum in the educational process and, where appropriate, provide formal recognition and certification of those languagesx. ensure the quality of language learning and acknowledge the contribution made by non-formal education and informal learning;xii. support the creation of teaching and learning resources designed to help the development of plurilingual repertoires and intercultural awareness and competencesxvi. support the creation and use of assessment instruments that are fully aligned with the goals of plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture;
Measures: Initial and further education teachers: ii. challenging attitudes, beliefs and preconceptions about language, language learning, plurilingualism, culture and intercultural learning;
Resource: https://www.ecml.at/Portals/1/5MTP/Erin%20Jonas/documents-51tools/EOL-01-E%20Starting%20questions%20.pdf?ver=2019-10-22-140306-817
Des environnements d’apprentissage optimisés pour et par les langues vivantes: Matrice EOL : paramètres qui contribuent à la qualité de l’environnement d’apprentissage optimisé pour et par les langues
C'est l'outil principal du projet. La matrice fournit une vue d'ensemble de tous les domaines couverts par EOL. Si vous souhaitez travailler sur des environnements d'apprentissage, la matrice vous donne une idée des orientations à prendre. L'un des moyens les plus avantageux d'utiliser la matrice consiste à faire des choix en équipe. L'objectif est d’adapter votre établissement scolaire pour en faire un environnement d'apprentissage favorable aux langues. La matrice est un outil dynamique.
USER TARGET AUDIENCE: Head teacher/school manager
VALUES: Valuing democracy
ATTITUDES: Openess to cultural othernessResposibility
SKILLS: Skills of listening and observingEmpathyFlexibility and adaptabilityLinguistic, communicative and plurilingual skills
Knowledge and critical understanding: Knowledege and critical understanding of language and communication
PRINCIPLES: ii. respects and values linguistic and cultural diversityiii. promotes language awareness and language sensitivity across the curriculum;iv. encourages critical reflection on cultural diversity;
Measures: policy and practice: i. review existing policies with a view to strengthening plurilingual and intercultural education and supporting linguistic and cultural diversity;ix. explore ways of including home languages – signed as well as spoken – that are not part of the official curriculum in the educational process and, where appropriate, provide formal recognition and certification of those languagesx. ensure the quality of language learning and acknowledge the contribution made by non-formal education and informal learning;
Measures: Initial and further education teachers: ii. challenging attitudes, beliefs and preconceptions about language, language learning, plurilingualism, culture and intercultural learning;iv. engaging teachers in a detailed exploration of what plurilingual and intercultural approaches to education entail in terms of classroom practice;v. helping teachers to develop the pedagogical competences needed to manage linguistic and cultural diversity for the benefit of all pupils and students;
Resource: https://www.ecml.at/Portals/1/5MTP/Erin%20Jonas/documents-51tools/EOL-10-E%20Matrix%20EN.pdf?ver=2019-10-21-142747-153
Des environnements d’apprentissage optimisés pour et par les langues vivantes: Pour une approche écologique des langues
Cet outil représente un environnement d’apprentissage des langues comme un écosystème dans lequel les liens deviennent possibles grâce à la coopération, l’inclusion, la diversité, la communauté, etc. Les questions vous permettront d’examiner le contexte de votre école dans son ensemble avant de choisir des stratégies possibles. Il est recommandé d'utiliser l'outil en équipe.
USER TARGET AUDIENCE: Early childhood teacherPrimary education subject teacherPrimary education language teacherLower secondary subject teacherLower secondary language teacherUpper secondary subject teacherUppersecondary language teacherHead teacher/school manager
VALUES: Valuing cultural diversity
ATTITUDES: Openess to cultural othernessRespect
SKILLS: Skills of listening and observingEmpathyFlexibility and adaptabilityCo-operation skills
Knowledge and critical understanding: Knowledege and critical understanding of language and communication
PRINCIPLES: ii. respects and values linguistic and cultural diversityiv. encourages critical reflection on cultural diversity;
Measures: policy and practice: vii. encourage and facilitate communication and collaboration between teachers of different languages and different curriculum subjects;xviii. facilitate the professional development of teachers and other educational staff in relation to plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture
Measures: Initial and further education teachers: ii. challenging attitudes, beliefs and preconceptions about language, language learning, plurilingualism, culture and intercultural learning;v. helping teachers to develop the pedagogical competences needed to manage linguistic and cultural diversity for the benefit of all pupils and students;
Resource: https://www.ecml.at/Portals/1/5MTP/Erin%20Jonas/documents-51tools/EOL-26-E%20Eco-EOL%20EN.pdf?ver=2019-10-23-104140-870