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Many schools across Europe are actively involved in the PLURIWELL project

Teachers are working together with colleagues at their schools to better understand their own plurilingual wellbeing by sharing language repertoires, discussing what knowing a language means, analysing the relationship teachers have with their own languages ... Teachers are also exploring how they can help other teachers develop plurilingual wellbeing by designing tools with this aim in mind. 

Pluriwell school map / carte des établissements scolaires

Do you want to know more about this? Would your school like to become a PLURIWELL school? Are you interested in participating?

Please contact the PLURIWELL team for more information!

Dissemination activities of the Pluriwell project

Pluriwell dissemination activities

November 18th  2024 - Présentation en ligne “Understanding plurilingual wellbeing” pour le département des langues de l’INSPÉ de l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale (tous les campus), Gerit Jaritz

December 10th 2024 - Participation in an interview which was recorded as part of a podcast series by the European Association of International Education (EAIE), Gerit Jaritz

January 17th 2025 - Workshop “The PLURIWELL project: understanding plurilingual wellbeing in context” at the MEMO-Project conference at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Gerit Jaritz

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The languages of PLURIWELL 

What is plurilingual wellbeing in your language? Please share your translation with us and we will post it here.

So far, plurilingual wellbeing is… 

in Danish Plurilingval velbefindende er at være bevidst om og værdsætte potentialet i sit eget sproglige repertoire og føle sig tryg ved at bruge det i en bred vifte af forskellige personlige og professionelle kontekster. 

in Montenegrin Plurilingvalno blagostanje znači biti svjestan i cijeniti potencijal vlastitog jezičkog repertoara i osjećati se prijatno koristeći ga u različitim ličnim i profesionalnim kontekstima. 

in English Plurilingual wellbeing is being aware of and valuing the potential of one’s own language repertoire and feeling comfortable with using it in a variety of personal and professional contexts. 

in Frisian Pluralinguistysk wolwêzen is de bewustwurding en wurdearring fan it potinsjeel fan it eigen taal repertoire en gefoel komfortabel te wêzen mei it brûken fan in ferskaat oan talen yn persoanlike en profesjonele konteksten. 

in French Le bien-être plurilingue est la prise de conscience et la valorisation du potentiel de son propre répertoire linguistique et le fait de se sentir à l’aise pour l’utiliser dans une variété de contextes personnels et professionnels. 

in Spanish El bienestar plurilingüe es ser consciente y valorar el potencial del propio repertorio lingüístico y sentirse cómodo usándolo en una variedad de contextos personales y profesionales. 

in Catalan El benestar plurilingüe és ser conscient i valorar el potencial del propi repertori lingüístic i sentir-se còmode en utilitzar-lo en diferents contextos personals i professionals. 

in German Mehrsprachiges Wohlbefinden bedeutet, sich des Potenzials des eigenen Sprachenrepertoires bewusst zu sein und es wertzuschätzen sowie sich wohl dabei zu fühlen, dieses in verschiedenen persönlichen und beruflichen Kontexten zu verwenden.

in Lithuanian Įvariakalbystės gerovė - tai savo kalbų repertuaro galimybių suvokimas ir branginimas, taip pat jausmas, kad gerai jaučiamasi jas vartojant įvairiomis asmeninėse ir profesinėse situacijose.

The plurilingual wellbeing flower

Plurilingual wellbeing is being aware and valuing the potential of one’s own language repertoire and feeling comfortable with using it in a variety of personal and professional contexts.