Conference videos
Opening session
Chair: Ursula Newby, ECML Governing Board Member, Austria
Franz Majcen, First President of the Styrian Parliament
Setting the scene:
Hanspeter Huber, Director General for International Affairs, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs
Pierre Mairesse, Director, European Commission, DG, Education and Culture
Snežana Samardžić -Marković, Director General of Democracy of the Council of Europe- Speech
Input lecture
Chair: Sarah Breslin, Executive Director, European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML)
Henry Widdowson, Hon. Professor, University of Vienna, Emeritus Professor, University of London - PowerPoint Presentation - Speech
“Rethinking language education: a challenge to tradition”
Expert panel
Expert Panel Burning Issues in language education
Chair: Irena Mašková, Chair of the Governing Board, ECML
Peter Brown, Founder Chair EAQUALS (Evaluation & Accreditation of Quality in Language Services)
Jutta Gehrig, Director Goethe-Institut, Budapest, representing EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture)
Paula Mattila, ECML Governing Board Member, Finland
Townhall meeting
Moderator: Mirjam Unger
Film 1: Learning spaces and learner autonomy
Discussion on film 1
Frank Heyworth, ECML Programme Consultant
Josef Huber, Programme Pestalozzi, COE, Strasbourg
Ulrike Tischler, Architect
Film 2: Using technology in the classroom
Discussion on film 2
Işil Boy, Université Technique Yildiz, Istanbul
Sercan Akpolat, Technical University Graz
Isabelle Ortiz, Freie Universität Berlin - Zentraleinrichtung Sprachenzentrum
Jutta Pauschenwein, Université des Sciences Appliquées Joanneum, Graz
Film 3: Plurilingual education
Discussion on film 3
Richard Clément, Institute of Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI), University of Ottawa
Susanna Slivensky, Deputy Director, Head of the Programme, ECML
Waldemar Martyniuk, Director, Language Centre, Jagiellonian University, Kraców
“Language competences for 21st century – voices from society” (with discussion)
Moderator: Terry Lamb
Martina Grötschnig, Head of Society and Generations, Department of Society and Diversity, Regional Government of Styria
Bernhard Posch, Head of AVL Academy
Lea Renoldner, Representative, European Youth Forum
Johannes Theiner, former President of EPA
Developing and supporting language competences in the 21st century
Chair: Eva Engdell, ECML Governing Board member, Sweden
Moderator: Sarah Breslin, European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML)
Sjur Bergan, Head of the Education Department, Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation - Speech - Speech
Robert Zinkanell, Graz City Council
Xavier North, Délégué General, French Ministry of Culture
Bernd Rüschoff, Vice-President of International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), representing the ECML Professional Network Forum
Concluding remarks
Terry Lamb, Moderator
Mukhtar Mammadov, Head of study abroad and international students’ affairs unit, Ministry of Education, Azerbaijan
Irena Mašková, Chair of the Governing Board, ECML
Muriel Warga - Fallenböck, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs
