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Calendar 2011


December 2011

Participation of ECML staff in an event

1- 2 December 2011
Launch Meeting of the project MAGICC "Modularising Multilingual and Multicultural Academic Communication Competence for BA and MA level" / "Europäisches Projekt zur Förderung von Mehrsprachigkeit an
Hochschulen", a  project of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme (2011-2014)
Venue: University of Bremen, Germany
Organiser: Fremdsprachenzentrum der Hochschulen im Land Bremen
ECML contribution: participation of the ECML as an associate partner of the project initiator, the European Language Council (ELC/CEL); keynote by Waldemar Martyniuk, Executive Director of the ECML; documentation
Project websiteMAGICC
Press release (German)

Participation in an external event

4 December 2011
Presentation for researchers in the field of language policy
Venue: Kyoto, Japan
Organiser: Japanese Association of Language Policy
ECML expert:
Michel Candelier, coordinator of the project A Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to languages and cultures (FREPA-CARAP): presentation of the FREPA and the Council of Europe's work in the field of language policy
ECML contribution: documentation

Participation in an external meeting

8-10 December 2011
International Scientific Conference “Multilingualism and Language Studies in Higher Education”
Venue and organisation: Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
Local contact: Nemira Mačianskiené
ECML contribution: plenary speech "Learning through languages: promoting plurilingual and intercultural approach to education" by Waldek Martyniuk, Executive Director; documentation
Conference website

Participation in an external meeting

11 December 2011
25th Pedagogical Day of Dokkyo / 25e Journée pédagogique de Dokkyo
Venue: University of Dokkyo, Tokyo, Japan 
Organiser: University of Dokkyo
ECML expert: Michel Candelier, coordinator of the project A Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to languages and cultures (FREPA-CARAP): presentation of the FREPA and the Council of Europe's work in the field of language policy
ECML contribution: documentation

Visit of the ECML

12 December 2011
Participants: 2 teachers of English and German and 27 15 -year old pupils from Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe (College for catering, business and service industries), Hermagor, Austria
Contact: Mag. Doris Lasser

Participation in an external meeting

14 December 2011
"Fit für den Unterricht im mehrsprachigen Klassenzimmer - Ergebnisse aus den Projekten MARILLE und LinguaINCLUSION"
Venue: European Academy of Bozen  (EURAC), Italy
Organisor: EURAC
ECML expert: Andrea Abel, coordinator of the Institute for Specialised Communication and Multilingualism, EURAC, team member of the ECML project "MARILLE - Majority language instruction as basis for plurilingual education" ; presentation "Mehrsprachigkeit fördern – die Mehrheitssprache im vielsprachigen Umfeld"
ECML contribution: documentation
Flyer (German, Italian)
