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    Calendar 2015 - May


Preparatory meeting of Workshop 2/2015

6 May 2015
"Plurilingual whole school curricula" (PlurCur)
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Participants: project team

Workshop 2/2015

7-8 May 2015
"Plurilingual whole school curricula" (PlurCur)

Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Coordinator: Britta Hufeisen, Germany
Co-animators: Elisabeth Allgäuer-Hackl, Austria; Kristin Brogan; Ireland; Joachim Schlabach, Finland
Working languages: English and German, with simultaneous interpretation
Participants: 1 delegate per member state, nominated by the ECML national nominating authorities
Participants’ profile:
Professional background:
Professionals responsible for language(s) and/or subject teaching and learning:
- Experts in educational policies and school management
- Teacher trainers
- Researchers
- Teachers

Experience, competences required
- Experience with/ interest in plurilingual whole school policies
- Teachers who have implemented projects in their respective schools as part of the project “PlurCur – Plurilingual whole school curricula/ Gesamtsprachencurricula”

Expected involvement/tasks:

Before the meeting:
- All: familiarise yourself with PlurCur (www.ecml.at/plurcur)
- Experts in educational policies and school management/teacher trainers: prepare written information on the possibilities of implementing plurilingual whole school policies in your country/region/environment (template will be provided at a later stage)
  -Teachers: compile information on existing plurilingual whole school policy initiatives in your school
During the meeting:
 - Discuss possibilities of implementing plurilingual whole school policies
 - Present PlurCur case studies
 - Develop further ideas and initiatives to support plurilingual whole school policies
 - Researchers: summarise the latest research in your field related to pluri- and multilingualism
After the meeting:
- Disseminate information on PlurCur
- Establish and keep contact with PlurCur project schools in your country, if applicable
 - Mediate the results of the meeting

If you wish to participate click here and contact your National Nominating Authority

Expert advisory group meeting on the selection of projects within the ECML 2016-2019 programme

7-8 May 2015
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Participants: ECML programme consultants 2012-2015; Brigitte Gerber, Switzerland; Laura Muresan, Romania; Ursula Newby, Austria

Innovative methodologies and assessment in language learning, EU – ECML cooperation agreement 2014-2015

7-8 May 2015
"Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning (ICT-REV)"
national training workshop

Venue: Madrid, Spain
Experts: Pauline Ernest, Spain; Aline Germain-Rutherford, United States of America;
Joe Hopkins, Spain
Local organiser: Trinidad de Haro Figueroa, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
Participants: Teacher trainers, multipliers

National support event

14-16 May 2015
"Súčasné výzvy cudzojazyčného vzdelávania na Slovensku: ako ďalej?" /
"Défis contemporains sur l´enseignement des langues étrangères en Slovaquie: comment poursuivre?"
Conference held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
Venue: Nitra, Slovak Republic
Organisation: Slovak Ministry of Education, Bratislava ; SlovakEdu, o.z., Nitra ; National Pedagogical Institute, Bratislava ; Faculty of Arts of the University of Prešov ; Faculty of Education,  Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra 
Local contact: Prof. Pokrivcakova, scientific and organising head of the conference
ECML experts: presentations by Kevin Schuck, team member of the ECML project “Literacies through CLIL” (2012-2015) and by Maria Jesus Frigols, coordinator of the ECML project “Curriculum development for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL-CD)”
ECML contribution: documentation
Website of the conference

Statutory meeting

18-19 May 2015
59th meeting of the Enlarged Bureau of the Governing Board

Innovative methodologies and assessment in language learning, EU – ECML cooperation agreement 2014-2015

18-20 May
“Relating language examinations to the common European reference levels of language proficiency: promoting quality assurance in education and facilitating mobility (RELANG)”: national training workshop

Venue: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Experts: José Noijons, the Netherlands; Evelyne Bérard, France
Local organiser: Marina Mattheoudakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Participants: School advisors, teacher trainers, language teachers
Project site: //relang.ecml.at

Innovative methodologies and assessment in language learning, EU – ECML cooperation agreement 2014-2015

22-23 May 2015
"Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning (ICT-REV)"
national training workshop
Venue: Limerick, Ireland
Experts: Martina Emke, Germany; Sarah Heiser, UK; Ursula Stickler, UK
Local organiser: Marie-Thérèse Baterdière, University of Limerick
Participants: Language teachers, teacher trainers, language policy makers