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Language education in creating a multilingual Europe

Author: Anonym/08 February 2013/Categories: Publication

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The contributions to the 2011 Annual Conference of the European Federation of National Institutions for Language (EFNIL) are devoted to the topic of “The role of language education in creating a multilingual Europe”.

The volume includes general reflections on the main topic of the conference, the discussion of how individual plurilingualism is being achieved by language education in Europe, a critical discussion on multilingual instruction in the United Kingdom, reports on foreign language education in various other countries, reports on four current projects describing the present linguistic diversity of Europe, as well as an interim report on the results of the project entitled “The European Language Monitor (ELM)”.

Waldemar Martyniuk, Executive Director of the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe, provides in particular an overview of the Centre’s programme of activities 2012-2015 “Learning through languages: Promoting inclusive, plurilingual and intercultural education” to face the challenges in European language education.
The European Federation of National Institutions for Language of all states of the European Union and several other European countries provides a forum for its members to exchange information about their work, language use and language policy within the European Union. In addition, the Federation encourages the study of the official European languages and a coordinated approach towards mother-tongue and foreign-language learning, as a means of promoting linguistic and cultural diversity within the European Union.

Bibliographical references:
Stickel Gerhard, Carrier Michael (eds.), Language education in creating a multilingual Europe, Contributions to the Annual Conference 2011 of EFNIL in London, Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft / Duisburg papers on research in language and culture, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Band/Volume 94, 2012.
Martyniuk Waldemar, “Dealing with challenges in European language education - The contribution of the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz”, in .), Language education in creating a multilingual Europe, Contributions to the Annual Conference 2011 of EFNIL in London, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Band/Volume 94, 2012, pp. 37-46.

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Related documents of the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML):

Programme of activities 2012-2015 “Learning through languages: Promoting inclusive, plurilingual and intercultural education” (available in English and French).

Graz Declaration on Language Education 2010 “Quality education for plurilingual people living in multilingual societies” (available in English and French).



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