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Promoting excellence in sign language instruction (PRO-Sign 2): project update - July 2017

Author: Catherine Seewald/25 July 2017/Categories: Show on front page, Promoting excellence in sign language instruction

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Before the summer recess, the expert team met via skype and decided to share the following information:

  • Our PRO-Sign2 Network meeting (invited participants) is to take place in Graz, Austria, at the ECML offices on 5-6 April 2018, preceded by an expert team-only meeting on the 4 April.
    We are currently considering participants and the programme.

  • The PRO-Sign2 Conference is definitely to be held in Belgrade (Serbia), dates yet to be determined in the fall of 2018. We are busy working on the organisation and content.

  • The expert team members will be quite actively promoting our PRO-Sign2 project at conferences and other gatherings. There will a session on the CEFR for Sign Languages as Second/Foreign Language at the International Conference for German Teachers (IDT conference), in Fribourg, Switzerland, in early August. Both Christian Rathmann and Tobias Haug will report at the conference from the PRO-Sign 2 project.

  • Our team is also busy planning a pilot to introduce the European Language Portfolio into a number of sign language classes across Europe this coming year. Stay tuned for updates!

  • People engaged in sign language instruction who are willing to fill out our Survey PRO-Sign2 are more than welcome: please follow the link below. The survey is open until July 30th next.


In August we won’t be reporting on any progress, since we will either be on holidays or attending conferences.

The expert team members wish you all a very good summer !



The ProSign2 expert team:
Christian Rathmann (project coordinator), Tobias Haug, Lorraine Leeson, Beppie Van Den Bogaerde


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