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ECML project "Pro-Sign II - Promoting excellence in sign language instruction": update on events to be held in Serbia, Switzerland, Greece and the Netherlands

Monthly project update (June 2018)

Author: Catherine Seewald/06 June 2018/Categories: Show on front page, ECML programme 2016-2019, Promoting excellence in sign language instruction

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Update on the Pro-Sign II conference in Belgrade, Serbia
Abstracts have been submitted. Further information (programme, registration, location etc.) will be released in early June. A meeting with Ivana Bucko, president of the European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters (efsli) was held end of May.

The third Focus Group of e-ELP at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin was held on Monday, 28 May. The final results will be presented at the conference in Belgrade. e-ELP is one of our goals in Pro-Sign II.

Meeting with Swiss stakeholders
Thanks to the initiatives of the Swiss Deaf Association (SGB-FSS), the meeting of Swiss Institutions of Higher Education, Pro-Sign II representatives and SGB-FSS will be held on 10 July 2018. The Pro-Sign team looks forward to a very fruitful exchange.

CEFR training in Greece
ECML member state Greece will host a training workshop on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for Greek sign language teachers in late August 2018. Pro-Sign representation will be involved at some point.

Council of Europe and ECML information
Mid-June, the Dutch Pro-Sign II expert team member will present an update on Council of Europe and ECML policies to all teachers of the Institute for Sign, Language & Deaf Studies (Utrecht) in preparation of a pilot study to implement the e-ELP (see above). The pilot study will involve researchers, management, teachers and students.


The Pro-Sign II project team:
Christian Rathmann (coordinator), Tobias Haug, Lorraine Leeson, Beppie van den Bogaerde


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