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ECML training event on the "Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning" (Sarajevo, 2-3 November 2018)

ECML training and consultancy in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Author: Catherine Seewald/21 November 2018/Categories: Show on front page, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 6mtp TaC Online technology (ICT-REV)

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Local organisation: Department for English Language and Literature, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo, on behalf of the Society for the Study of English in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

ECML experts: Jackie Robbins, Spain; Sarah Heiser, United Kingdom; Pauline Ernest, Spain.

Participants: 17 lecturers from different universities across BiH (Banja Luka, Tuzla, Sarajevo); the group included lecturers in the fields of contemporary English language, linguistics, English for specific purposes, English teaching methodology, as well as literature.

Date and venue of the training: 2-3 November 2018, Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo.

ICT is part of everyday life and it needs to be part of classroom activities. In a plethora of materials on offer, it is of great importance to ensure that the materials used are pedagogically appropriate and used in a way that ensures relevance for students of this day and age. This is exactly the type of training provided by ECML – modern, dynamic, interesting. 

New knowledge comes not only from the content included in the event, but also from the type of training, its structure and style. In a world where languages are acquired through different channels, formal and informal, it is sometimes difficult for teachers, who often work with very limited means, to provide content and methods that communicate with students who see ICT as part of their everyday life, but not necessarily the classroom.

ICT-REV fills that gap and offers the teachers a methodologically sound, affordable and creative way to make classroom work truly exciting for different age groups of learners. ECML maintains its focus on language acquisition and language teaching and shares the latest knowledge and methods with colleagues who would otherwise find it difficult to have access to such superb professional development opportunities.

Amira Sadiković, Faculty of Philosophy Sarajevo


Bosnian version

Informacione tehnologije su sastavni dio svakodnevnog života I moraju postati dio rada u učionici. U masi dostupnih izvora, bitno je da se pedagoški primjereni materijali koristi na način koji osigurava relevantnost za učenike koji žive u skladu sa svojim vremenom. Upravo takvu obuku nudi ECML – modernu, dinamičnu i zanimljivu. 

Nova znanja ne dolaze samo iz sadržaja obuke, već i iz vrste i strukture obuke, kao i iz predavačkih stilova. U svijetu u kojem se jezik uči na razne načine, formalne i neformalne,  ponekad je nastavnicima, koji često rade s ograničenim resursima, teško postići to da sadržaj i metode budu usklađeni s potrebama učenika kojima su informacione tehnologije sastavni dio svakodnevnog života, ali ne i rada u učionici. 

ICT-REV popunjava tu prazninu i nastavnicima nudi metodološki utemeljen, materijalno dostupan i kreativan način da rad u  učionici učine istinski uzbudljivim za različite starosne grupe učenika. ECML je, kao i uvijek, fokusiran na učenje i nastavu jezika, te najsavremenija znanja i metode nudi kolegama kojima bi ovakve mogućnosti za profesionalni razvoj bile teže dostupne.

@ photo: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo


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