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Austria: National Education Report 2012 with particular emphasis on language and reading skills

Author: Anonym/06 February 2013/Categories: Uncategorized

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The second Austrian National Education Report (2012) has been published recently by the Federal Institute for Educational Research, Innovation and School Development in Austria (BIFIE).
The report consists of two complementary volumes: Volume 1 offers a comprehensive overview the educational system in Austria, including statistical data and indicators. Volume 2 contains ten articles from leading educational researchers on key development issues and challenges related to the Austrian education system.

Language and reading skills are essential for knowledge acquisition, participation in cultural and political life, and lifelong learning. Pupils with difficulties in acquiring the German language and/or in reading skills must be supported as early as possible to avoid linguistic constraints that impact on their educational career. Topics such as the conditions for successful education, the promotion of integrative language support courses, the differences between education in urban and rural areas, the situation of learners from a migrant background, ways to improve language, literacy and reading skills and to increase teacher awareness are discussed here.

The reports highlights the fact that teachers are always language educators – in all subjects. Therefore educational priorities, teacher training at all levels and the development of competencies of teachers are closely linked. An overarching concept for education is currently being developed. Central aspects encompass among others kindergarten as an educational places, the transition from kindergarten to preschool; school enrollment; integrative language support in primary school; intensified and extended language development courses; development of teacher modules in in- and preservice teacher training focusing on German as a language of instruction in all subject areas.

Download the report from the website of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture (German only):

Michael Bruneforth & Lorenz Lassnigg (Hrsg.), Nationaler Bildungsbericht – Österreich 2012, Band 1: Das Schulsystem im Spiegel von Daten und Indikatoren, Wien: Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur / Bundesinstitut für Bildungsforschung des österreichischen Schulwesens, Innovation & Entwicklung des österreichischen Schulwesens, 2009, rev. 2012.

Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger (Hrsg.), Nationaler Bildungsbericht – Österreich 2012, Band 2: Fokussierte Analysen bildungspolitischer Schwerpunktthemen, Wien: Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur / Bundesinstitut für Bildungsforschung des österreichischen Schulwesens, Innovation & Entwicklung des österreichischen Schulwesens, 2009, rev. 2012.


Austria is one of the founding member states of the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML). The Austrian authorities administer the Centre's infrastructure and local implantation in Graz.
ECML member states
Austrian experts involved in ECML activities: 2012-2015 - 2008-2011


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