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ECML week in brief 19-23 May 2014

Author: Catherine Seewald/19 May 2014/Categories: ECML - Week in brief

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Preparatory meeting of Workshop 4/2014

21 May 2014
"Empowering language networks" (LACS)
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Participants: project team

Workshop 4/2014

22-23 May 2014
"Empowering language networks" (LACS)
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Coordinator: Terry Lamb, FIPLV, United Kingdom
Co-animators: Nadezhda Doychinova, Bulgaria; Sigurborg Jónsdóttir, Iceland; Daniel Xerri, Malta
Working languages: English and German, with simultaneous interpretation
Participants: 1 delegate per member state, nominated by the ECML national nominating authorities
Participants’ profile:
Professional background:
Language teachers and teacher trainers from any aspect of language education
Experience, competences required
Active involvement with national or international language teacher associations (foreign modern, heritage or majority languages) or other organisations providing professional development for language teachers; Willingness and capacity to liaise with other organisations in order to disseminate ECML projects; some research and development experience
Expected involvement/tasks before, during and after the event
Identification of other associations and organisations involved in language education nationally and regionally; make contact with associations in the region; willingness to organise an event to explore ways of adapting ECML projects to national /regional/local contexts; contribution of case studies to publication.


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