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CEFR and sign languages: intense dialogue in Brazil and contribution to the CEFR Companion Volume

ECML project "Promoting excellence in sign language instruction - ProSign2": monthly update March/April 2019

Author: Catherine Seewald/10 April 2019/Categories: Show on front page, ECML programme 2016-2019, Promoting excellence in sign language instruction

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Professor Rathmann in Brazil: CEFR- and Libras-related activities in Brazil

Currently, being a visiting professor at UFSC (funded by CNPq, the Brazil National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) in Florianopolis, Brazil Professor Rathmann has been in an active dialogue with Libras(*) teachers, administrators, researchers, sign language users and other shareholders. Many universities and institutions offering Libras classes are starting on standardization of learning, teaching and assessment of Libras. He gave workshops on CEFR on Sign Languages at UFSC, at UF do Ceará (in Fortaleza) and at the National Institute for the Education of the Deaf (INES) in Rio de Janeiro. Moreover, he visited the Deaf/Bilingual Education Department at the Brazil Ministry of Education, MEC, in Brasilia.

CEFR-Companion Volume at the Council of Europe

The ProSign team is actively participating in revisions of CEFR-CV. Their main contribution is the introduction of modality-inclusive terminology in the new document. This ensures the full inclusion of signed and spoken languages in the CEFR framework on an equal footing.

*Libras: Brazilian Sign Language, also known as "Libras" (from "Língua Brasileira de Sinais").


The Pro-Sign2 project team:
Christian Rathmann (coordinator), Tobias Haug, Lorraine Leeson, Beppie van den Bogaerde



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