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“Learning environments where modern languages flourish”: project presentation in Norway

Author: Catherine Seewald/29 May 2019/Categories: Show on front page, ECML programme 2016-2019, Learning environments where foreign languages flourish

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The ECML project “Learning environments where modern languages flourish“ (2016-2019) seeks through and for languages to strengthen the development both of social competences and competences for democratic citizenship.

On 29 May, Solena Pradayrol, French adviser at Fremmedspråksenteret.no and National Contact Point for the ECML in Norway, presented this project at the faculty Høgskole i Østfold in Halden. The public event offered an opportunity for some 20 teachers, researchers and students to familiarise themselves with the EOL approach. The initiative took place within the framework of the #språkfika project which aims to promote languages through presentations of university language teachers once a week during the lunch break.

The EOL matrix, one of the key outputs, gives an overview over different fields and areas which might support schools developing learning environments where modern languages flourish. By matching 4 “environmental levels” with 5 dimensions of language learning, the matrix should help schools identifying new opportunities for and through languages. The goal is modelling your school towards a language friendly learning environment. 

The Matrix is currently available in English, French, German, Greek, Norwegian and Spanish. It will be connected to a glossary and different tools and resources. All EOL project outputs will be available online in the course of 2019.


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