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ECML week in brief – 9-13 June 2014

Author: Catherine Seewald/11 June 2014/Categories: ECML - Week in brief

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Participation in an external event

2-13 June 2014
Trainer Development Course for Tunisian ESP teachers in Higher Education
Venue: Tunis, Tunisia
Organiser: British Council, contact: Kiros Langston, English Programmes Manager
ECML expert: Margit Szesztay, coordinator of the ECML project “Group facilitation in teacher education” (Group Lead) (2004-2007)
Participants: 22 higher education teachers of ESP
ECML contribution: publication First steps in teacher training: A practical guide - “The TrainEd Kit” (2007)


Participation in an external event

9-10 June 2014 Eighth International Conference of the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania Venue: Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania (9 June), Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (10 June), Vilnius, Lithuania
Organisation: Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania, Language Teaching Centre of the Professional Competence Development Institute at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Public Service Language Centre, Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences
Participants: 150 language teaching professionals as well as developers of educational and cultural policies from Lithuania and foreign countries working at different educational institutions, enterpreneurs
ECML contribution: documentation stand, folder and flyer of the LACS project “Language associations and collaborative support“

Preparatory meeting of Workshop 5/2014

11 June 2014
Workshop for ECML National Nominating Authorities and ECML National Contact Points
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Participants: Terry Lamb, United Kingdom; Onno van Wilgenburg, The Netherlands; ECML Secretariat

Workshop 5/2014

12 June 2014 (9-12.30 hours)
Workshop for ECML National Nominating Authorities
12 June (14.30 hours) -13 June 2014
Workshop for ECML National Nominating Authorities and for ECML National Contact Points
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Coordination: ECML Secretariat
Moderators: Terry Lamb, United Kingdom; Onno van Wilgenburg, The Netherlands
Working languages: English and French, with simultaneous interpretation
Participants: 1 delegate per member state, nominated by the ECML national nominating authorities
Participants’ profile:
Representatives of ECML national nominating authorities and of ECML national contact points
Participants: coordination team members

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