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ECML - Week in brief 23-29 June 2014

Author: Catherine Seewald/23 June 2014/Categories: ECML - Week in brief

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Preparatory meeting of Workshop 6/2014

24 June 2014
“Collaborative Community Approach to Migrant Education” (Community)
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Participants: project team

Workshop 6/2014

25-27 June 2014
“Collaborative Community Approach to Migrant Education” (Community)
Venue: ECML, Graz, Austria
Coordinator: Andrea Young, France
Co-animators: Ruth Garcia Carrasco, Spain; Vicky Macleroy, United Kingdom; Roula Tsokalidou, Greece
Working languages: English and French, with simultaneous interpretation
Participants: 1 delegate per member state, nominated by the ECML national nominating authorities
Participants’ profile:
Professional background
Language education advisors, teachers working in multilingual (formal and informal) learning environments (nursery, primary, secondary), representatives from groups and associations concerned with multilingual education, teacher educators working in areas with high proportions of migrant children.
Experience, competences required
Knowledge of/interest in plurilingual pedagogies and developing parental/community involvement to enhance learning for migrant children
Expected involvement/tasks before, during and after the event
Participants will be asked to complete specific tasks producing and commenting on materials in order to productively share ideas at workshop. After the event, participants will be involved in disseminating project materials and promoting online teacher education module and resources in own country.

If you wish to participate click here and contact your National Nominating Authority

Expert meeting

25 June 2014
“ECML publications for plurilingual and intercultural education in use” (PIU)
Venue: Institut für Mehrsprachigkeit, Fribourg, Switzerland
Coordinator: Ulrike Haslinger, Austria
Participants: project team

ECML training and consultancy for member States

25 June 2014
 “Plurilingual and intercultural competences: descriptors and teaching materials” (FREPA):
Workshop “Integrative approaches between the language of schooling, foreign languages and home languages in multilingual education: What does the ECML offer?”
Venue: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Experts: Michel Candelier, France; Anna Schröder-Sura, Germany
Local organiser: Rick de Graaff, professor of Language Pedagogy, Inholland University of Applied Science
Working language: English
Participants: (language) teacher trainers in primary or secondary education, language coordinators in primary or secondary education, applied researchers on plurilingual approaches to teaching and learning

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