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Teaching competences for pluralistic approaches - Tools in the making

Online meeting of the project team (25-27 March 2020)

Author: Christian Friedrich/08 May 2020/Categories: Programme of activities, ECML programme 2020-2023, Developing teacher competences for pluralistic approaches

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What are the teaching competences needed to develop plurilingual and intercultural education through pluralistic approaches? How can they be developed?

These are the questions that the project team is currently working on, with the aim of developing tools for teachers and teacher educators in pre-service or in-service education, as well as for designers of teacher education programmes. The team met online to take stock of the work that has already been accomplished and to further develop it. Starting from a compilation of competency frameworks for teacher education, we are focusing on specific competences for pluralistic approaches (cf. FREPA) and with the aim of organising them in an easily accessible structure. We are also creating other specific tools for the development of these competences:

  • scenarios offering structures to be used by teacher educators or curricula designers to build their own teacher education modules;
  • teacher education sequences that can be used directly in initial or continuing training or adapted.

More advanced versions of this work will be discussed in a workshop in which participants will be invited to experiment, analyse and give feedback on the potential use of these tools for teacher education in their contexts.

B. Gerber

  • Project team: Ana-Isabel Andrade, Brigitte Gerber (coordinator), Anna Schröder-Sura, Monica Vlad.
    Associate partner: Michel Candelier.

  • ECML web pages dedicated to the project "Developing teacher competences for pluralistic approaches – Training and reflection tools for teachers and teacher educators" (available in English and French) : www.ecml.at/pluralisticteachercompetences

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