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Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference (RELANG): ECML online national training workshop (13 – 15 September, Italy)

Author: Adelina Rosca/30 September 2021/Categories: Italy, 6mtp TaC Evaluation and assessment

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Local organiser: Diana Saccardo, Ministry of Education    

ECML experts: Rita Juknevičienė, Lithuania; José Noijons, the Netherlands

Participants: 19 (language testers and examiners, item writers, teachers and teacher trainers, language inspectors)


“The RELANG workshop dealt with the following topics: (a) to teach and test literature through reading, analysing and interpreting literary texts including also mediation activities, (b) to teach and test personal responses to literary texts.

The workshop was held online due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, however, thanks to the participatory and interactive methodology employed by the two very experienced trainers and the efficient organization, the participants were immersed in a comfortable learning environment which increased their motivation, stimulated their involvement and created a collaborative working climate.

The participants had the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of the Companion Volume descriptors relating to literary texts and mediation, to reflect on their use in relation to the National Guidelines of the upper secondary general education pathways and the Guidelines of the Technical and Vocational Institutes and to develop tasks by working in groups. The composition of the group with specialists of various languages also inspired interesting reflections on plurilingualism.


The two trainers who conducted the workshop, Rita Juknevičienė and José Noijons, were very experienced both on the topics covered and on leading groups which made the participants ready for a fruitful interaction. The organization of a RELANG workshop is highly recommended for the opportunity to develop new knowledge and skills thanks to the stimuli offered and sharing of ideas between participants and between participants and trainers.”


Diana Saccardo, local organiser, 26 September 2021


ECML project website: RELANG – EU-ECML cooperation agreement 2020-2021 "Innovative methodologies and assessment in language learning"


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