How can we implement Content and language integrate learning (CLIL) across educational stages (primary, secondary, tertiary), both in the language classroom and in other subjects? How can we conceptualize students’ development of language awareness in the context of plurilingual education in primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary language education? And what is the connection between CLIL and plurilingual education?
In the talk, Petra Daryai-Hansen will present the initial results of two projects that she is recently coordinating: the project "Plurilingual education – Minority and majority students' language awareness across educational levels", financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, and the project "CLIL in Languages Other Than English – Successful transitions across educational stages", supported by the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe and the Danish National Centre for Foreign Languages (NCFF).
The talk is free of charge. Please use the following link to join the talk:
Passcode: 668804
The 'Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality' is coordinated by Petra Daryai-Hansen, in collaboration with Natalia Morollón Martí, Natascha Drachmann, Stephanie Kim Löbl, Anna Lena Sandberg and Karoline Søgaard, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen.