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Quality education in Romani for Europe: QualiRom training in Croatia

Author: Catherine Seewald/25 November 2021/Categories: Show on front page, Croatia, 6mtp TaC Romani

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Local organisation of the ECML training and consultancy event: Snježana Šincek and Ana Kešina, Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.
ECML experts: David Little (Ireland), Ján Hero (Slovak Republic).
Participants: 15 teachers in primary and secondary schools, and representatives of NGOs involved with the integration of Roma children.


The Quality Education in Romani (QualiRom) workshop was held online in Croatia on 8 November 2021, in cooperation with the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) of the Council of Europe and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia. The workshop was moderated by a team of ECML experts - David Little from Ireland and Ján Hero from the Slovak Republic.

During the event, participants were introduced to methods and practical procedures that will help them identify students' language needs in their subject. The workshop was organised with the aim of promoting the inclusion of Roma in the education system and facilitating the integration of Romani speakers and improving the educational situation of Romani children.

The workshop presented the Council of Europe's Curriculum Framework for Romani (CFR), part of the Council of Europe's comprehensive response to issues related to the education of members of the Roma national minority.

Challenges and experiences in the work and integration of Roma children into teaching were discussed, in order to facilitate and encourage the inclusion of Roma children and group work in the classroom by applying the Framework Curriculum and adapting it to the specifics of the local community.

The participants were introduced to the basics of the plurilingual and intercultural approach of the Council of Europe to education and additionally also became aware of the challenges it poses to schools and teachers in Croatia.

Snježana Šincek and Ana Kešina

Croatian version

QualiRom radionica u Hrvatskoj

Quality Education in Romani – QualiRom radionica je u Hrvatskoj održana online 8. studenoga 2021. godine, u suradnji Europskog centra za moderne jezike i Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske. Radionicu je moderirao tim stručnjaka ECML-a – gospodin David Little iz Irske i gospodin Ján Hero iz Slovačke.

Tijekom radionice sudionici su upoznati s metodama i praktičnim postupcima koji će im pomoći u prepoznavanju jezičnih potreba učenika u svom predmetu. Radionica je organizirana s ciljem promicanja uključivanja Roma u obrazovni sustav i olakšavanja integracije govornika romskog jezika te poboljšanja obrazovne situacije romske djece.

U okviru radionice predstavljen je Okvirni kurikulum za romski jezik (CFR) Vijeća Europe, nastao kao dio projekta QualiRom - opsežnog odgovora Vijeća Europe na pitanja vezana uz obrazovanje pripadnika Romske nacionalne manjine.

Razmotreni su izazovi i iskustva u radu i integraciji romske djece u nastavu, kako bi se primjenom Okvirnog kurikuluma i njegovom prilagodbom specifičnostima lokalne zajednice olakšalo i potaknulo inkluziju romske djece i zajednički rad u učionici.

Sudionici radionice upoznati su s osnovama višejezičnog i interkulturalnog pristupa Vijeća Europe obrazovanju te su dodatno osvijestili izazove koje ono postavlja pred škole i učitelje u Hrvatskoj.

Snježana Šincek and Ana Kešina


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