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“Supporting local networks in using an electronic European Language Portfolio” - Lithuania

European Centre of Modern Languages training and consultancy activity on the methods of electronic portfolio (26-27 April 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania)

Author: Catherine Seewald/02 June 2016/Categories: ECML event, CEFR and ELP, ECML programme 2016-2019, TAC Electronic ELP

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Local organiser: Virginija Navickienė

Experts: Bärbel Kühn and Jürgen Friedrich

28 participants – mainly representing national level institutions (Ministry of Education and Science, Examination Centre, National Development Centre, Information Technology In Education Centre, etc.) – met on 26-27 April 2016 at the Education Development Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania, to find out more about the methodology and implementation of electronic portfolios and, in particular, to gain some insights into how to use portfolio for different school subjects and the wider scope of competences, including “soft competences”.

The majority of participants noted that the consultation was extremely useful as it provided possibilities to demonstrate and to try out the technological solutions for assessment offered by  the “Mahara” platform. Most participants were interested in a plugin for self-assessment. During the event the hot topics, like learning with e-portfolio (self-regulated learning, where the focus is put on the learner, learning strategies, collaboration, intercultural collaboration, informal education, etc.), the application of the e-portfolio model in different subjects, analysis of successful case-studies; the transition from paper to digital portfolio were touched upon and discussed with the experts. The topics that received more attention and were discussed during the consultation were: the assessment and self-assessment, peer assessment, balancing between formative and summative, external and internal assessments; the technological and administrative aspects of using e-portfolio in schools applying e-portfolio. 
The success of this training and consultancy activity was ensured by the ECML experts Dr. Bärbel Kühn and Prof. Jürgen Friedrich  who are professional lecturers the University of Bremen.
Link to:
Supporting local networks in using an electronic European Language Portfolio training and consultancy ECML web page


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