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Council of Europe webinar: Launch of the Teacher Reflection Tool (RFCDC), 17 February 2022 from 16.00 to 18.00 CET

Author: Catherine Seewald/02 February 2022/Categories: Show on front page, Council of Europe

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Bernt Gebauer, Hessian Ministry of Education, Project manager “How to prevent violence and learn democracy in schools?”, Member of the Education Policy Advisers Network (EPAN), Germany 

Patricia Hladschik, Polis - The Austrian Centre for Citizenship Education in Schools, Member of the Education Policy Advisers Network (EPAN), Austria 

Claudia Lenz, Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, Lead expert to the EPAN 

Calin Rus, Intercultural Institute, Timisoara, Romania, Lead expert to the EPAN 

Angelos Vallianatos, Council of Europe and European Wergeland Centre Expert 

Draft programme

16.00 Opening 

Michael Remmert, Head of the Education Policy Division, Council of Europe

16.10 Presentations “The why, what and how of TRT”

- Background and conceptual thinking behind the TRT
- Overall content/structure of the tool (online & printable)
- Observation and reflection (introducing warming up session)
- Reflection based on Scenarios (introducing one of the modules)
- Reflection based on teaching activities (introducing another module) 

17.30 Q&A 


The Teacher Reflection Tool aims to support teachers and other educators to develop their own competences for democratic culture and a “democratic professional ethos”, which builds on the values of democracy, human rights, and intercultural dialogue. 

The tool is designed to be used as a companion to self-reflection on teaching and democratic competences. 

At the same time, it offers guidance on working with the Council of Europe’s RFCDC on topics including: 

- Making children’s and students’ voices heard
- Addressing controversial issues
- Preventing violence and bullying
- Dealing with propaganda, misinformation, and fake news
- Tackling discrimination

Further information is available at www.coe.int/rfcdc

Source : Council of Europe


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