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Setting up learning environments where modern languages flourish: ECML training workshop (Tallinn, 22-23 September 2022)

ECML training and consultancy for Estonia

Author: Catherine Seewald/25 October 2022/Categories: Show on front page, front page tags, TaC news, Estonia, Training and Consultancy, 6mtp TaC Learning environments

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Local organiser: Kati Bakradze, Estonian Foreign Language Teachers Association
ECML experts: Jonas Erin (France) and SIlvia Minardi (Italy)
Participants: 46 foreign language teachers, language experts from the Ministry of Education and Research in Estonia, headmasters, head teachers, experts from universities


“EOL – Learning environments where modern languages flourish” is a perfect workshop for schools and school teams who are working to tailor inspiring and inclusive language learning programs and settings for the learners. The workshop takes a holistic approach to the learner and a diversifying approach to the school’s linguistic landscape. During the two-day workshop in Tallinn, Estonia, participants from schools and other language experts discussed how to make schools more language friendly in a systematic manner, taking into account the learner, the class, the school and the system. This approach helps identify gaps in current offers as well as to distribute responsibilities and tasks to different stakeholders in a practical and actionable manner. The experts conducting the training event link the content to the specific setting and proceed from the participants’ contexts and the challenges that they have identified. Together with great examples from across Europe, this makes for an excellent event that can inspire and motivate teachers and school teams to improve language learning and teaching for their students.

Authors: Kati Bakradze, Pille Põikli


Estonian version

Koolitus „EOL – learning enivornments where modern languages flourish“ on suurepärane koolitus koolidele ja koolimeeskondadele, kes soovivad arendada enda konteksti sobivaid inspireerivaid ja kaasavaid keeleõppekeskkondi. Koolitusel vaadatakse keeleõppele kui tervikule ja arutletakse selle üle, kuidas mitmekesistada koolide keelelist maastikku. Tallinnas toimunud kahepäevasel koolitusel osalesid nii koolide esindajad kui ka teised keelevaldkonna eksperdid. Koos arutati, kuidas muuta koole keelesõbralikumaks, arvestades nii õppija, klassi, kooli kui ka kogu süsteemi tasandit. Süsteemse lähenemise abil saab tuvastada olemasoleva korralduse kitsaskohad ja jagada vastutuse ja ülesanded, et astuda konkreetseid samme eesmärkide saavutamiseks. Euroopa Nüüdiskeelte Keskuse koolitajad sidusid koolituse sisu oskuslikult kohaliku konteksti ja osalejate vajadustega, toetudes neilt eelnevalt kogutud infole. Lisaks tõid nad endaga kaasa laia teadmise teistest Euroopa riikidest, luues nii motiveeriva sündmuse, mis aitab koolimeeskondadel arendada õppijatele pakutavat keeleõpet.


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