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Integration of pedagogy and technology in ICT with Montenegrin foreign language teachers

ECML training and consultancy event in Montenegro – “Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning” (Podgorica, Montenegro, 14-15 October 2022)

Author: Catherine Seewald/14 November 2022/Categories: Show on front page, TaC news, Montenegro, 6mtp TaC Online technology (ICT-REV)

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Date and venue of the event: 14-15 October 2022, Podgorica, Montenegro
Local organiser: Marija Mijušković, Faculty of Philology, University of Montenegro
ECML experts: Martina Emke, Germany; Ursula Stickler, United Kingdom
Participants: 22 foreign languages (English, Italian, German) from primary and secondary schools and university teachers from the Faculty of Philology of the University of Montenegro

Montenegrin foreign language teachers, who were participants of the ICT-REV workshop, learnt how to individualise teaching and training modules using available ICT tools and open educational resources for language teaching. They became more aware of their needs in terms of continuing professional development. They were shown ways of pursuing this development individually and via the initiation of local or regional clusters of multipliers.

After the workshop we had in Montenegro, our teachers can now use the training activities, materials and other resources. The teachers learned that effectively blending pedagogical principles with technology is crucial for creating successful language learning activities. With this workshop, the trainers raised awareness of the needs of language teachers and teacher trainers. This workshop greatly impacted the participants, who understood the seminar’s role in their professional development and its impact on their students’ general knowledge and digital skills. The need for professional development and the integration of pedagogy and technology use will increase the digital literacy of language teachers. The participants are now ready to support their colleagues in raising awareness of the importance of integrating pedagogy and technology. 

We warmly recommend and encourage all language teachers, teacher trainers and language policymakers to participate in this useful workshop. The ECML moderators prepared the event very carefully, delivering information in an extremely sound, logical and pedagogical way, exchanging ideas, thoughts and opinions with the participants with clarity and purpose.

Marija Mijušković


Montenegrin version

Integracija tehnologije, digitalnih alata i resursa u nastavi stranih jezika u Crnoj Gori

Nastavnici stranih jezika iz Crne Gore, koji su bili učesnici ICT-REV radionice, naučili su kako da koriste module nastave koristeći dostupne ICT alate i resurse za nastavu stranog jezika. Postali su svjesniji svojih potreba u pogledu kontinuiranog stručnog usavršavanja.

Nakon radionice koju smo imali u Crnoj Gori, naši nastavnici sada mogu koristiti aktivnosti, materijale i resurse sa kojima su upoznati na obuci. Naučili su da je kombinovanje pedagoških principa sa tehnologijom ključno za kreiranje savremenijih i naprednijih aktivnosti koje su neophodne u nastavi stranih jezika. Ovom radionicom treneri su podigli svijest o potrebama nastavnika jezika i trenera za nastavnike. Potreba za profesionalnim razvojem i integracijom pedagogije i tehnologije uz upotrebu ICT alata povećaće digitalnu pismenost nastavnika jezika. Učesnici su sada spremni da u podižu svijest o važnosti integracije pedagogije i tehnologije i dijele saznanja sa svojim kolegama.

Toplo preporučujemo i podstičemo sve nastavnike jezika, trenere za nastavnike i kreatore jezičke politike da pohađaju ovu radionicu. ECML moderatori su veoma pažljivo pripremili događaj, pružajući informacije na logičan i pedagoški način i razmjenjujući ideje sa učesnicima jasno i svrsishodno.

Marija Mijušković

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