Date: 3-4 October 2023
Venue: National Education Institute, Slovenia
Local organisation: Barbara Lesničar, National Education Institute, Ljubljana
ECML experts: Nermina Wikström (Sweden), Selin Öndül (Switzerland)
Participants: teachers of English (primary and secondary schools), senior advisers from the National Education Institute
Two experts from the ECML’s Roadmap project, Nermina Wikström (Sweden) and Selin Öndül (Switzerland) together with the National Education Institute of Slovenia, carried out a two day workshop entitled "Supporting the language(s) of schooling". The content of the workshop was focused around three goals: to get an overview of the ROADMAP project; to build a common understanding of the whole school approach and of language awareness; and to deepen knowledge for using ROADMAP tool and the resources. All three goals are key for the successful learning of learners with different language backgrounds.
The participants had an opportunity to try out web-based materials and activities (such as the ROADMAP tool’s coordinators’ package, self-assessment tool, promising practices). These were all based on the whole-school approach which helped them to understand the various dimensions connected to the language development of all learners. The aim was both, to demonstrate and raise awareness of how important the support in academic development in all school subjects for learners with an L1 other than the language of schooling is on one hand and on the other hand to set up a school development plan.
Day 2 of the workshop was dedicated to the customized report which was generated through the self-assessment tool the participants tried out during day 1. The customized report has many benefits for the whole school approach. It reduces the work done by the coordinator, gives systematic feedback, is neutral, uses real data, and connects the levers of progression directly with the promising practices.
This event has allowed participants to familiarize themselves with the basic concepts of whole school approach for learners whose L1 is not the same as the language of schooling and to set up a whole school development plan.
Barbara Lesničar, local organiser
Slovenian version
ECMJ in dve strokovnjakinji iz projekta Roadmap, Nermina Wikström (Švedska) in Selin Öndül (Švica), so skupaj z Zavodom RS za šolstvo izvedli dvodnevno delavnico Supporting the language(s) of Schooling. Vsebina delavnice je bila osredotočena na tri cilje in sicer seznaniti se s projektom Roadmap, zgraditi razumevanje celostnega pristopa šole in jezikovne zavesti ter poglobiti znanje za uporabo orodja ROADMAP in virov. Vsi trije cilji so ključni za uspešno učenje učencev z različnimi jezikovnimi ozadji.
Udeleženci so imeli priložnost preizkusiti spletna gradiva in dejavnosti (paket za koordinatorje, orodje za samoocenjevanje, obetavne prakse), ki temeljijo na celostnem pristopu, kar jim je pomagalo razumeti različne razsežnosti, povezane z jezikovnim razvojem vseh učencev. Namen je bil po eni strani prikazati in ozaveščati o tem, kako pomembna je podpora pri akademskem razvoju pri vseh šolskih predmetih za učence katerih prvi jezik se razlikuje od učnega jezika, po drugi strani pa vzpostaviti šolski razvojni načrt.
Drugi dan delavnice je bil posvečen poročilu, ki je temeljilo na orodju za samoocenjevanje, ki so ga udeleženci preizkusili prvi dan delavnice. Takšno prilagojeno poročilo ima številne prednosti pri uveljavljanju pristopa na ravni šole. Zmanjša delo, ki ga opravi koordinator, daje sistematične povratne informacije, je nevtraleno, uporablja resnične podatke in vzvode napredovanja povezuje z obetavnimi praksami.
Ta dogodek je udeležencem omogočil, da so se seznanili z osnovnimi koncepti celostnega pristopa za učence, katerih prvi jezik ni enak učnemu jeziku in oblikovali celosten razvojni načrt šole.
Barbara Lesničar, local organiser

