The first meeting of the project coordinators of the ECML’s “Language education at the heart of democracy” programme (2024-27) took place on 25-26 January. The focus of the meeting was to discuss the overall aims of the programme, develop synergies among the projects and discuss and agree upon individual project workplans.

The following projects will feature within the programme:
- AI for language education / L'IA pour l’éducation aux langues
- Deeper learning in the foreign language classroom: pluriliteracies for global citizenship / Vertieftes Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht: pluriliterales Lernen für demokratische Teilhabe
- A toolkit for implementing integrated didactics in language education / Une boîte à outils pour la mise en œuvre de la didactique intégrée dans l'éducation aux langues
- Developing competences for democratic culture for young learners through language education
- Using ECML resources to support plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture / Mit EFSZ-Ressourcen mehrsprachige und interkulturelle Bildung für eine demokratische Kultur fördern
- Unlocking educational opportunities in sign languages in Europe
- CLIL teaching materials for 21st century competences / CLIL-Lehrmaterialien für Schlüsselkompetenzen des 21. Jahrhunderts
- Fostering the plurilingual wellbeing of language teachers / Favoriser le bien-être plurilingue des enseignant·e·s de langues
The ECML programme, which includes cooperation actions and activities with the European Commission, also comprises 10 offers of training and consultancy in different key aspects of language education (involving around 40 workshops each year), a series of think tanks and a summer academy for language teacher educators.