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Perspectives from the European Language Portfolio

Author: Anonym/07 August 2012/Categories: Publication

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During the last decade, the European Language Portfolio (ELP) has become a reference tool for language learning and teaching in primary, secondary and tertiary educational settings all around Europe. The book Perspectives from the European Language Portfolio reports on and contextualises the project’s innovative techniques for a wider educational research audience.
It offers in particular theoretical studies and practical cases around the following issues: contributions of the ELP to language pedagogy; assessing the impact of the ELP on pedagogical research and practice; exploring and defining pathways for future developments; reflective learning.

Targeted readership:

Language teachers and researchers across Europe, engaged in language learning and teaching within the Common European Framework of Reference, supporting independent learning and developing a language curriculum, whether in school, adult, further or higher education.
About the authors:
Bärbel Kühn is Managing Director of the Language Centre of the four public universities of the federal state of Bremen, Germany, and Chair of the Bremen Language Council.
María Luisa Pérez Cavana, lecturer in German and Spanish at the Open University, UK, where she has been involved in the development and pilot of an electronic ELP for this context.
With contributions from: David Little, Viljo Kohonen, Rolf Schärer, Waldemar Martyniuk, Olga Esteve, Mireia Trenchs, Joan-Tomàs Pujolà, Marta Arumí, Marilisa Birello, Brigitte Forster Vosicki, Inma Álvarez, María Luisa Pérez Cavana, Bärbel Kühn, Michael Langner.
Bärbel KÜHN and María Luisa Pérez CAVANA, Perspectives from the European Language Portfolio – Learner autonomy and self-assessment, Routledge, 2012, ISBN 978-0-415-67555-0, 192 pages.
For more information about this publication access the Routledge website:
Council of Europe ELP website : http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/education/elp/
ECML projects and resources relating to the ELP:
All publications can be downloaded for free from www.ecml.at/publications
Nezbeda, Margarete et al., Using the European Language Portfolio / Nezbeda, Margarete et al., Utiliser le Portfolio européen des langues
Little, David George et al., The European Language Portfolio – A guide to the planning, implementation and evaluation of whole-school projects, 2011
ISBN 978-92-871-7161-0, booklet 16 x 24 cm, website http://elp-wsu.ecml.at
Little, David George et al., Portfolio européen des langues – Guide pour la planification, la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation de projets d’utilisation à l’échelle de l’établissement scolaire, 2011, ISBN 978-92-871-7160-3, livre 16 x 24 cm, site internet http://elp-wsu.ecml.at
Little, David / Hodel, Hans-Peter / Kohonen, Viljo / Meijer, Dick / Perclová, Radka,
Preparing teachers to use the European Language Portfolio – arguments, materials and resources, Strasbourg / Graz: Council of Europe / European Centre for Modern Languages, 2007, ISBN 978-92-871-6273-1, [book CD-Rom].
ELP_TT project website //www.ecml.at/mtp2/ELP_TT/
ELP_TT and impel comme website:
http://elp.ecml.at (English) ; http://pel.ecml.at (French)
Little, David / Hodel, Hans-Peter / Kohonen, Viljo / Meijer, Dick / Perclová, Radka, Préparer les enseignants à l'utilisation du Portfolio européen des langues – arguments, matériels et ressources, Strasbourg / Graz: Conseil de l'Europe / Centre européen pour les langues vivantes, 2007, ISBN 978-92-871-6272-4, [livre CD-Rom].
Site Internet du projet: //www.ecml.at/mtp2/ELP_TT/ ;
Site internet commun des projets ELP_TT et impel: http://elp.ecml.at (anglais) ; http://pel.ecml.at (français)
Bosshard, Hans Ulrich (coord.), ELP implementation support / Soutien à la mise en œuvre du PEL, Strasbourg / Graz: Council of Europe / European Centre for Modern Languages, 2007, [flyer website].
Site Internet du projet: //www.ecml.at/mtp2/impel/
Site internet commun des projets ELP_TT et impel: http://elp.ecml.at (anglais); http://pel.ecml.at (français)
Heyworth, Frank, Challenges and opportunities in language education: the contribution of the European Centre for Modern Languages – 2000-2003, Council of Europe / European Centre for Modern Languages, 2003, ISBN 978-92-871-5274-8.
Heyworth, Frank, Défis et ouvertures dans l'éducation aux langues: les contributions du Centre européen pour les langues vivantes 2000-2003, Conseil de l’Europe / Centre européen pour les langues vivantes, 2003, ISBN 92-871-5275-6.

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