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Courriel européen des langues

Author: Anonym/11 June 2012/Categories: Events

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The Courriel européen des langues is edited by the International Centre for Pedagogical Studies (Centre international d’études pédagogiques, CIEP), the national contact point for the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) in France.

Issue no. 25 (French only) presents the report 2012 of the French Strategic Language Committee and the ECML project on Involving parents in plurilingual and intercultural education (2013-2014), recommends selected ECML publications resulting from the Centre’s programme 2008-2012, as well as other newly edited publications and websites in the field of language education, and announces four major events planned in July and August.

Table of contents:

Point de vue: Apprendre les langues, Apprendre le monde: les propositions du Comité stratégique des langues

Actualité des institutions européennes

Centre européen pour les langues vivantes
Projet d’implication des parents dans l’éducation plurilingue et interculturelle (CELV 2013-2014)
Publications du CELV

Autres publications

Sélection de ressources
• Actualité éditoriale
• A découvrir sur le Web
• Agenda

Download issue no. 25 of the Courriel européen des langues (French only)


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