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50 Swiss faces in the Council of Europe – Swiss nationals talk about their involvement

New publication

Author: Catherine Seewald/22 May 2013/Categories: ECML member states, Switzerland, External publication

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 What are the differences between the Council of Europe and the EU? Why is Switzerland a member of the Council of Europe and what can it obtain from it? 50 Swiss nationals speak about their involvement in the Council of Europe in a brochure recently published in French, German and Italian by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confereration (www.dfae.admin.ch/publications). A specific section is devoted to the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) (pp. 94-95):

50 visages de la Suisse au Conseil de l’Europe – Témoignages d’un engagement (pdf, 3437 Kb)

50 Gesichter der Schweiz im Europarat – Schweizerinnen und Schweizer berichten von ihrem Engagement, 2013 (pdf, 3476 Kb)

50 volti della Svizzera al Consiglio d’Europa – Svizzere e svizzeri parlano del loro impegno (pdf, 3434 Kb)

Switzerland and the European Centre for Modern Languages:

Web pages of the National Contact Point for the ECML in Switzerland and the Swiss experts involved in ECML activities


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