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Signed languages for professional purposes

Report by Patty Shores, Julia Martens-Wagner und Simon Kollien

Author: Catherine Seewald/11 September 2013/Categories: Pro-Sign - Signed languages

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The report entitled „Zwei Veranstaltungen im Rahmen des PRO-Sign-Projektes in Graz, Österreich“ by Patty Shores, Julia Martens-Wagner and Simon Kollien describes two events organised by the European Centre of Modern Languages ​​(ECML) of the Council of Europe and the University of Graz, Austria. The aim of both meetings was primarily to further the standardization of sign language teaching in terms of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR). Furthermore, it provided a platform for an exchange of experience between the participants.

Target readership: teachers and experts working in organisations and educational institutions active in the field of sign language teaching, sign language interpreters and sign language learners.

The project „Signed languages for professional purposes“ (PRO-Sign), funded by the ECML, is a first and highly significant step toward the establishment of European standards for specifying proficiency levels for use in Deaf Studies and Interpreting programmes offered at tertiary level. One of the highlights of the project so far was the organisation of a conference (University of Graz, 13-14 April 2013) open to all professionals and researchers interested in developing and establishing common sign language levels and a workshop „Signed Languages for professional purposes“ for invited representatives of ECML member states (ECML, Graz, 15-17 April 2013). LESICO – The International Conference of Sign Language Teachers will be the next PRO-Sign event (18-20 October 2013, Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies, Prag, Czech Republic).


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