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17 December 2024/Author: Katarina Vuksic/Number of views (6167)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 2.0
16 October 2024/Author: Katarina Vuksic/Number of views (5115)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating

MOOCs pour les langues : les raisons d’une quasi-absence

by Isabelle Ortiz

Espaces d'apprentissage et autonomie de l'apprenant 

This articles refers to the article previously published on this blog, Les MOOCs au service du plurilinguisme, in which MOOCs were promoted as another way  to promote linguistic diversity and  plutilingualism. Astrid Guillaume and Mathieu Cisel regretted the fact there didn't appear to be plethora of MOOCs dedicated to language learning. This article tries to explore the reasons. Read more



19 March 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (37904)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 5.0

Les vidéos pour humaniser la classe et créer un espace global d’apprentissage

by Isabelle Ortiz

 Utilisation des nouvelles technologies en classe

Here is a very interesting TED conference with Salman Khan (the founder of the Khan Academy) explaining how and why he created series of educational videos and what this tool can change in the traditional classroom. Although the video does not refer specifically to language learning, the parallelism, to a certain extent, can however be done. For those who want to watch this video in another language than English, subtitles are available in 42 languages. Read more
17 March 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (35019)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 5.0

Using technology in the classroom

by Işıl Boy

Using technology in the classroom 
The rapid growth in mobile use has led many institutions worldwide to start integrating mobile technologies, mainly tablets, into the curriculum. However, there is a gap between the objectives and the results, which requires the exploration of gap analysis method. Gap analysis encourages teachers to reflect on how they are using tablets now, and how they may use them in the future. Read more



11 March 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (30129)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 1.9

Les MOOCs au service du plurilinguisme

by Isabelle Ortiz

Espaces d'apprentissage et autonomie de l'apprenant

This article refers to a programme aired on Radio France Culture in which the challenges of the MOOCs are presented in relation to language learning and the promotion of plurilingualism.  MOOCs may be another way to promote plurilingualism. Read more


27 February 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (20719)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 3.4