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LangOER Conference “Open Education: promoting diversity for European Languages” (Brussels, 26-27 September 2016): ECML expert mission in the framework of ICT-REV

Author: Catherine Seewald/Montag, 5. Dezember 2016/Categories: New media in language education, 6mtp TaC Online technology (ICT-REV)

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The conference was organised by LangOER and the Educational Repositories Network (EdReNe). On this occasion, very interesting presentations were offered from a wide range of speakers. On behalf of the ECML, Pauline Ernest, lecturer in English and coordinator of English courses at the Centre d'Idiomes Moderns, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, gave a presentation about the ICT-REV project, with special emphasis on the Inventory of ICT tools and open educational resources. She summarizes her contribution as follows:

The rapid development of open-access ICT resources and tools provides great opportunities and challenges for language teachers. To maximize their potential, it is crucial that these resources are integrated within the learning process in a pedagogically sound manner and that language teachers receive adequate, initial and on-going training in their use. (See reports on language learning and ICT use funded by the European Commission: Stevens, 2009; ICT Cluster, 2010; Antoniadou 2011).  

The ICT-REV project, offered by the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe (ECML, www.ecml.at) promotes the effective use of ICT tools and open resources in support of quality language teaching and learning. The project provides training workshops which aim to create local and regional clusters of teachers and multipliers throughout Europe; a Moodle workspace to support language professionals in self-training and training of others; and an inventory of freely available online tools and open educational resources for language learning. (//www.ecml.at/ictinventory)

Pauline’s presentation outlined the development of the current ICT-REV project via earlier ECML projects: DOTS Developing Online Teacher Skills (2008-2011) and More DOTS (2012-2013). There was also a detailed description of the ICT-REV inventory, developed jointly by the ECML and the European Commission, which provides rapid, easy access to information on approximately 80 ICT tools and OERs, with practical examples of usage, selected and evaluated by language professionals from ICT-REV and DOTS workshops. Users of the Inventory are encouraged to evaluate the tools, and suggest new ones, thus hopefully creating an ever-growing resource of great practical use for language professionals.


Reports on language learning and ICT use funded by the European Commission

Antoniadou, V., Canals, E., Mohr, C. & Zourou, K. (2011). Young people with fewer opportunities learning languages informally: perceptions and uses of ICT and social media. Study operated by the network “Language learning and social media: 6 key dialogues”. 

ICT Cluster (2010). Learning, Innovation and ICT. Lessons learned by the ICT cluster Education & Training 2010 programme. (DG Education and Culture of the European Commission). Retrieved from https://erte.dge.mec.pt/sites/default/files/Recursos/Estudos/key_lessons_ict_cluster_final_report.pdf

Stevens, A. & Shield, L. (2009). Study on the Impact of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and New Media on Language Learning. European Commission. Retrieved from https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/library/report-impact-information-and-communication-technology-ict-and-new-media-language-learning


General information about the conference 

PowerPoint presentation of Pauline Ernest (scroll down to the section 'Good practices for OER uptake > Pedagogy, technology and training for language learning and teaching: the ECML/ICT-REV Project)


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