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ECML national training event in Montenegro: „Beyond CLIL – A Pluriliteracies approach to teaching and learning“ (Podgorica, 4-5 October 2018)

ECML training and consultancy offer for member states: "CLIL – A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning"

Author: Catherine Seewald/Freitag, 16. November 2018/Categories: Show on front page, Montenegro, 6mtp TaC CLIL

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Date: 4-5 October 2018
Venue: Bureau for Education Services of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
Local organiser: Nataša Perić, Bureau for Education Services of Montenegro
ECML experts: Do Coyle and Kevin Schuck
Participants: 26 teachers of all subjects, presidents of teachers associations, advisors from the Examination Centre and supervisors from the Bureau for Education Services


On 4 and 5 October 2018, the Bureau for Education Services, with the expert support of the European Centre for Modern Languages, organised a workshop Integrated content and language learning (CLIL). Class and subject teachers from primary and secondary schools that are implementing bilingual education programmes, advisors from the Examination Centre and supervisors from the Bureau for Education attended the training programme.

Integrated learning of content and language is one of the current issues when it comes to improving learning and teaching, but also to promoting multilingualism, as one of the policy principles of the European unity. The aim of this two-day training programme was to familiarize teachers with activities and methods whose implementation in the classroom will enable students to acquire not only professional, but also good linguistic and communicative competences.

The workshop was facilitated by two members of the ECML’s CLIL team, Kevin Schuck and Do Coyle and observed by Letizia Cinganotto, a researcher in the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research from Rome, who presented the School Education Gateway which is funded by Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport.

For more information about the ECML training and consultancy activity, you can visit the dedicated ECML website.

Nataša Perić, Bureau for Education Services of Montenegro



U organizaciji Zavoda za školstvo, uz ekspertsku podršku Evropskog centra za moderne jezike iz Graca, 4. i 5. oktobra 2018. godine, u Zavodu za školstvo, održan je seminar Integrisano učenje sadržaja i jezika (CLIL).

Program obuke su pohađali nastavnici razredne i predmetne nastave iz osnovnih i srednjih škola u kojima se realizuje dvojezična nastava, savjetnici iz Ispitnog Centra i nadzornici iz Zavoda za školstvo.

Integrisano učenje sadržaja i jezika je jedna od aktuelnih tema kada je riječ o unapređenju nastave, ali o 4 promovisanju višejezičnosti, kao principa politike evropskog jedinstva. Cilj ovog dvodnevnog programa obuke bio je upoznati nastavnike sa aktivnostima i metodama čijom će primjenom učenicima omogućiti sticanje, ne samo stručnih kompetencija i ovladavanje stručnom terminologijom, nego i dobru jezičku i komunikacijsku kompetenciju.

Voditelji seminara su eksperti Evropskog centra za moderne jezike Kevin Schuck i Do Coyle, dok je seminar pratila Letizia Cinganotto, istraživač u Ministarstvu za obrazovanje i istraživanje iz Rima, koja je učesnicima predstavila Teacher Academy i online platformu School Education Gateway.

Više informacija o projektu i resurse možete naći na sljedećem sajtu https://www.ecml.at/Thematicareas/ContentandLanguageIntegratedLearning/tabid/1625/language/en-GB/Default.aspx


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