Date: 28.-29.11.2018
Venue: University Ludwig-Maximilian, Munich, Germany
Local organiser: Claudia Owczarek, Chair of TEFL, Institute of English Philology, Department for English and American Studies, LMU München
ECML trainers: Martina Emke, Germany; Joseph Hopkins, Spain; Ursula Stickler, United Kingdom
Participants: 13 EFL teacher trainers at university or school level
The workshop “Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning” was a very enriching and worthwhile experience for all participants. The event started with a short introduction into the various activities of the European Centre for Modern Languages. Furthermore, the recently published DigCompEdu Framework (European Framework for the digital competence of educators) was presented and discussed.
Mainly, the workshop gave ample room to discuss prior teaching experiences with digital media in the foreign language classroom and to get to know further ways to use new apps to improve one’s teaching.
Many participants highlighted that they felt the presentation of the Inventory of ICT tools and open educational resources was particularly useful and it introduced them to various new apps. They were positive to come back to the inventory when searching for new material for future teaching settings.
Based on an action research approach, the workshop encouraged the participants to critically reflect on their previous usage of digital media in the foreign language classroom. In groups, they developed new ideas to integrate new technologies in the FL language classroom in a pedagogically meaningful way. Moreover, the event motivated the participants to keep sharing their experiences in the future and establish collaboration.
All in all, the participants were very happy with the outcomes of the workshop and look forward to sharing their new insights in their professional contexts and to trying out their new ideas in practice.
Claudia Owczarek, local organiser of the event