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Language requirements and language testing for immigration and integration purposes. A synthesis of academic literature.

Just released in English, French, German and Italian

Author: Catherine Seewald/14 July 2014/Categories: Switzerland, External publication, Evaluation and assessment, migration

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Pochon, E. & Lenz, P. (2014). Language requirements and language testing for immigration and integration purposes. A synthesis of academic literature.
Link to the electronic version: www.centre-multilingualism.ch → Research → Literature Reviews

 Pochon, E. & Lenz, P. (2014). Les prérequis linguistiques et l’usage de tests de langue à des fins d’immigration et d’intégration : une synthèse de la littérature académique.
Lien vers la version électronique : www.centre-plurilinguisme.ch → Recherche → Revues de la littérature

Pochon, E. & Lenz, P. (2014). Sprachliche Anforderungen und Sprachtests im Migrations- und Integrationsbereich. Eine Zusammenfassung der akademischen Literatur.
Link zur elektronischen Version: www.zentrum-mehrsprachigkeit.ch → Forschung → Literaturberichte

 Pochon-Berger, E. & Lenz, P. (2014). Requisiti linguistici e testing linguistico per l’immigrazione e l’integrazione. Sintesi della letteratura scientifica.
Link per la versione elettronica : www.centro-plurilinguismo.ch → Ricerca → Sintesi della letteratura

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