Participants may apply from the following countries:
Andorra, Denmark, Montenegro, Poland, “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”.
To know more about the project visit the
dedicated website.
Working languages of the workshop:
German and English, with simultaneous interpretation.
Profile requirements:
Professional background
Professionals responsible for language(s) and/or subject teaching and learning: experts in educational policies and school management, teacher trainers, researchers, teachers
Experience, competences required
Experience with/interest in plurilingual whole school policies; teachers who have implemented projects in their respective schools as part of the project “PlurCur – Plurilingual whole school curricula/ Gesamtsprachencurricula”
Expected involvement:
Before the meeting:
- All: familiarise yourself with PlurCur (
- Experts in educational policies and school management/teacher trainers: prepare written information on the possibilities of implementing plurilingual whole school policies in your country/region/environment (template will be provided at a later stage)
- Teachers: compile information on existing plurilingual whole school policy initiatives in your school
During the meeting:
- Discuss possibilities of implementing plurilingual whole school policies
- Present PlurCur case studies
- Develop further ideas and initiatives to support plurilingual whole school policies
- Researchers: summarise the latest research in your field related to pluri- and multilingualism
After the meeting:
- Disseminate information on PlurCur
- Establish and keep contact with PlurCur project schools in your country, if applicable
- Mediate the results of the meeting
Interested applicants should contact the ECML
National Nominating Authorities in their country by 10 April 2015.