Participants may apply from the following countries:
Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Malta.
To know more about the project visit the
dedicated website.
Working languages of the workshop:
English and German, with simultaneous interpretation.
Profile requirements:
- Foreign language teachers and
- teachers of social and natural sciences, all working in CLIL contexts at secondary school;
- teacher trainers involved in secondary school CLIL teacher training.
Experience, competences required
- Experience in teaching in CLIL programmes through the medium of French, German, English or Spanish;
- high competence in English (lingua franca) and/or German;
- critical awareness and reflective abilities;
- team working skills and willingness to use own professional networks to disseminate outcomes.
Expected involvement:
Before the meeting:
- reflect on the role of language and literacy in the content subjects;
- should take self-evaluation questionnaire;
- be aware of own approach to literacy development in CLIL through very small scale trialing of some materials to trigger reflection;
- read the article on pluriliteracies provided by the team;
- look at our preliminary guide and provide feedback and a translation of key terms in their L1.
During the meeting:
- analyse sample teaching materials;
- micro-teaching sessions using these materials;
- evaluate the approach taken in these materials.
After the meeting:
- fill in evaluation questionnaire;
- create a professional learning network of those wishing to experiment further with the new teaching approach and materials by including it into their teaching / teacher training practice.
Interested applicants should contact the ECML National Nominating Authorities in their country by 4 May 2015.